(She Thinks She's) Edith Head | 9 |
(She Was A) Hotel Detective | 7 |
(She Was A) Hotel Detective In The Future | 4 |
1999 - Cowtown Medley | 10 |
25 O'Clock | 8 |
32 Footsteps | 9 |
7-11 | 9 |
About Me | 6 |
Absolutely Bill's Mood | 10 |
Agent Double-0-Soul | 10 |
AKA Driver | 8 |
AKA Driver (Live NYC) | 9 |
Albany | 10 |
Albany (Studio) | 8 |
Alienation's For The Rich | 6 |
Alienation's For The Rich (Demo) | 8 |
All Alone | 9 |
Alphabet Lost And Found | 9 |
Alphabet Of Nations | 10 |
Alphabet Of Nations (Live) | 10 |
Always Coca-Cola | 4 |
Am I Awake? | 9 |
Am I Awake? (Clock Radio Version) | 10 |
Anaheim | 10 |
Anaheim (Studio) | 9 |
Ana Ng | 10 |
Ana Ng (Live STD) | 9 |
Anecdote | 7 |
Another First Kiss | 7 |
Anqui | 5 |
Ant | 10 |
Ant (Dial-A-Song) | 9 |
Ant (Indestructible Object Version) | 9 |
Apartment Four | 10 |
Arkansas | 10 |
Asbury Park | 9 |
Asbury Park (Studio) | 8 |
Asheville | 10 |
Atlanta | 8 |
At The Agway | 4 |
At The Village Gate | 7 |
Austin | 10 |
Au Contraire | 9 |
Au Contraire (Indestructible Object Version) | 9 |
Au Contraire (Promo Version) | 9 |
A Self Called Nowhere | 9 |
A Self Called Nowhere (Demo) | 9 |
A Self Called Nowhere (Demo 2) | 9 |
Backstabbing Liar | 9 |
Bangs (TMBG Unlimited) | 10 |
Baroque Hoedown | 7 |
Bastard Wants To Hit Me | 9 |
Become A Robot (Live) | 10 |
Bed Bed Bed | 10 |
Bee Of The Bird Of The Moth | 10 |
Birdhouse In Your Soul | 10 |
Blind | 5 |
Boat Of Car | 7 |
Boat Of Car (Early Mix) | 8 |
Boat Of Car (TMBG Mini-Brass) | 9 |
Boomerang | 5 |
Boss Of Me | 8 |
Boss Of Me (Original Edit) | 8 |
Boss Of Me (What We Did This Summer Version) | 8 |
Bowery Spin-The-Dial | 6 |
Brain Problem Situation | 10 |
Bread Hair | 9 |
Broke In Two | 9 |
Brooklyn | 8 |
Brooklyn (Studio) | 5 |
Cabbagetown | 6 |
Cabbagetown (Demo) | 8 |
Cage & Aquarium | 9 |
Call Connected Thru The NSA | 8 |
Call You Mom | 8 |
Can't Keep Johnny Down | 9 |
Canada Haunts Me | 8 |
Canajoharie | 10 |
Can You Find It? | 9 |
Careful What You Pack | 10 |
Careless Santa | 8 |
Caroline, No | 8 |
Car Alarms | 8 |
Cast Your Pod To The Wind | 9 |
Celebration | 9 |
Certain People I Could Name | 10 |
Chaos By Design | 3 |
Charleston | 10 |
Charlottesville | 8 |
Charlottesville (Studio) | 7 |
Chess Piece Face | 9 |
CHimPS | 7 |
Clap Your Hands | 7 |
Climbing The Walls | 10 |
Clowntown | 5 |
Columbia | 9 |
Complete Paranoia | 9 |
Concrete And Clay | 9 |
Contrecoup | 6 |
Contrecoup (Demo) | 9 |
Counterfeit Faker | 9 |
Courage The Cowardly Dog | 7 |
Cowtown | 10 |
Creepy | 7 |
Cut The Strings | 8 |
Cyclops Rock (Demo) | 9 |
Dallas | 9 |
Dallas (Studio) | 7 |
Damn Good Times | 8 |
Dark And Metric | 10 |
Dashiki Lover | 7 |
Dead | 10 |
Dead (Dial-A-Song) | 9 |
Dear Old Plants | 7 |
Dedicated | 8 |
Dee Dee And Dexter | 6 |
Destination Moon | 10 |
Dial-A-Song Is Coming To Take You Along | 8 |
Dial-A-Song Promo | 9 |
Different Town | 8 |
Dig My Grave | 9 |
Dimension Six Rock | 5 |
Dinner Bell | 10 |
Dirt Bike | 9 |
Dirt Bike (Other Thing) | 10 |
Distant Antenna | 8 |
Doctor Worm | 9 |
Doctor Worm - The Famous Polka (Live) | 10 |
Dog On Fire (Credits Version) | 8 |
Dollar For Dollar | 8 |
Don't Break The Heart | 9 |
Don't I Have The Right? | 8 |
Don't I Have The Right? (Dial-A-Song) | 6 |
Don't Let's Start | 10 |
Don't Let's Start (Demo) | 7 |
Don't Let's Start (Early Mix) | 9 |
Doris Cunningham | 7 |
Down To The Bottom Of The Sea | 8 |
Dr. Evil | 8 |
Dr. Kildare | 8 |
Dr. Kildare (Demo) | 6 |
Drink! | 10 |
Drinkin' (Live Radio Version) | 9 |
D & W | 8 |
D Is For Drums | 8 |
Everything Right Is Wrong | 8 |
Everything Right Is Wrong Again | 8 |
Experimental Film | 9 |
Exquisite Dead Guy | 10 |
Extra Krispy | 8 |
Extra Savoir-Faire | 6 |
Extra Savoir-Faire (Demo) | 7 |
E Eats Everything | 8 |
E Eats Everything (Elegant Too Remix) | 3 |
E Eats Everything (Live At Amoeba Records) | 8 |
Farmingdale | 7 |
Feign Amnesia | 10 |
Fibber Island | 9 |
Fingertips | 10 |
Finished With Lies | 10 |
First Kiss | 10 |
Flansy Stays In The Picture | 8 |
Flying V | 9 |
Flying V (Live At Amoeba Records) | 10 |
Four Of Two | 10 |
Four Of Two (Demo) | 10 |
Free To Be You And Me | 6 |
Georgy Girl | 8 |
Glasgow | 10 |
Glasgow (Studio) | 9 |
Go For G! | 10 |
Greasy Kid Stuff | 10 |
Half A Boy (Dial-A-Song) | 8 |
Hall Of Heads | 9 |
Hall Of Heads (Dial-A-Song) | 9 |
Happy | 10 |
Havalina | 8 |
Hearing Aid | 9 |
Hell Hotel | 10 |
Hell Hotel (1984 Demo) | 8 |
Heptone | 7 |
Here Come The ABCs (Song) | 5 |
Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought We Had A Deal | 8 |
Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had A Deal (Dial-A-Song 2) | 9 |
Hide Away Folk Family | 8 |
Hocus Pocus | 7 |
Homunculus | 9 |
Hot Cha | 9 |
Houston | 10 |
How Can I Sing Like A Girl? | 9 |
How Much Cake Can You Eat? | 8 |
Hypnotist Of Ladies | 8 |
I'm All You Can Think About | 10 |
I'm Def | 7 |
I'm Gettin' Sentimental Over You | 9 |
I'm Impressed | 10 |
I'm In A Rut | 9 |
I'm Your Boyfriend Now | 9 |
I've Got A Fang (Demo) | 9 |
I've Got A Match | 10 |
I've Got A Match (Dial-A-Song) | 10 |
Idaho | 9 |
Idlewild | 7 |
If I Wasn't Shy | 8 |
Illinois | 8 |
Impossible | 9 |
Indiana Wants Me | 8 |
Indian Ocean | 10 |
Iowa | 9 |
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) | 9 |
It's Fun To Steal (Song) | 10 |
It's Kickin' In | 10 |
It's Not My Birthday | 10 |
It's Not My Birthday (Live) | 10 |
It Never Fails | 10 |
I Am A Human Head | 9 |
I Am Not Your Broom | 9 |
I Can't Hide From My Mind | 7 |
I Can Hear You | 9 |
I C U | 8 |
I Enjoy Being A Boy | 9 |
I Hope That I Get Old Before I Die | 10 |
I Never Go To Work | 10 |
I Palindrome I | 10 |
I Should Be Allowed To Think | 10 |
I Should Be Allowed To Think (Dial-A-Song) | 9 |
James K. Polk | 9 |
James K. Polk (Original Version) | 9 |
Jessica | 9 |
Karate! | 6 |
Kendra McCormick | 8 |
Kids Are Different Now | 9 |
Kings Of The Cave | 10 |
King Weed | 9 |
Kiss Me, Son Of God | 10 |
La Dolce Malcolm | 9 |
Leeds | 10 |
Lesson 16 | 10 |
Letterbox | 10 |
Letter Shapes | 8 |
Lie Still, Little Bottle | 10 |
Lines Upon A Tranquil Brow | 9 |
London | 10 |
Los Angeles | 8 |
Los Angeles (Studio) | 9 |
Louisiana | 10 |
Love Is Eternity | 8 |
Lucky Ball & Chain | 10 |
Lullabye To Nightmares | 9 |
Lullabye To Nightmares (Extended) | 9 |
Maine | 9 |
Maine (Dial-A-Song) | 8 |
Mammal | 10 |
Man, It's So Loud In Here | 10 |
Mas Fun | 9 |
Maybe I Know | 6 |
Maybe I Know (Wax Cylinder) | 8 |
McGyver | 7 |
Meet James Ensor | 8 |
Memo To Human Resources | 9 |
Memphis | 9 |
Metal Detector | 9 |
Metal Detector (Live) | 10 |
Michigan | 9 |
Miller Time | 10 |
Miniature Sidewalk Whirlwind | 10 |
Minimum Wage | 10 |
Mink Car (Song) (Demo) | 9 |
Minneapolis | 10 |
Mississippi | 10 |
Monster | 7 |
Monsters Of Mud | 8 |
Monster (08-19-2000 Brooklyn Show) | 10 |
Montana | 9 |
Mosh Momken Abadon | 5 |
Mountain Flowers | 6 |
Mr. Me | 9 |
Mr. Me (Demo) | 10 |
Mr. Me (Other Thing) | 8 |
Mr. Xcitement | 7 |
Mr. Xcitement (Early Version) | 7 |
Mrs. Train | 10 |
Museum Of Idiots | 10 |
Museum Of Idiots (08-19-2000 Brooklyn Show) | 8 |
My Evil Twin | 8 |
My Lone Constellation | 7 |
Narrow Your Eyes | 10 |
Nevada | 8 |
New Hampshire | 9 |
New Haven | 9 |
New Orleans | 7 |
New York City | 7 |
Nice Is Good, Mean Is Bad | 6 |
Night Security | 10 |
Nixon's The One | 8 |
Nixon's The One (Demo) | 6 |
Nixon's The One (Dial-A-Song) | 7 |
Nonagon | 9 |
Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes | 10 |
Now Is Strange | 10 |
No Answer | 10 |
No One Knows My Plan | 10 |
No Plan B | 10 |
Number Three | 8 |
O, Do Not Forsake Me | 9 |
O, Do Not Forsake Me (Richard Reagan Demo) | 9 |
Oddball | 10 |
Older | 9 |
Older (Mink Car Version) | 9 |
Omaha | 9 |
One Everything | 10 |
One More Parade | 8 |
On Earth My Nina | 9 |
On The Drag | 10 |
Oranges | 8 |
Oranges Testimonial | 9 |
Oregon | 10 |
Our Cannibal Friends | 9 |
Outboard Part Of Man | 7 |
Out Of Jail | 7 |
O Tannenbaum | 10 |
P.S.O.K. (Paul Stanley Of KISS) | 8 |
Particle Man | 7 |
Particle Man (Live At XM Studio) | 9 |
Particle Man - Total Eclipse Of The Heart Medley | 8 |
Pencil Rain | 10 |
Pennsylvania | 10 |
Pet Name | 10 |
Philadelphia | 8 |
Pictures Of Pandas Painting | 6 |
Piece Of Dirt | 9 |
Pittsburgh | 10 |
Pittsburgh (Studio) | 10 |
Pop-A-Shot | 8 |
Prevenge | 7 |
Puppet Jam: Tropical Lazor Beams | 8 |
Purple Toupee | 10 |
Purple Toupee (Live NYC) | 10 |
Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head | 10 |
Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head (Demo 1) | 9 |
Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head (Demo 3) | 9 |
Put Your Hand On The Computer | 8 |
Rabid Child | 9 |
Radio They Might Be Giants 3 | 7 |
Raleigh | 8 |
Ram On | 8 |
Rat Patrol | 7 |
Renew My Subscription | 10 |
Renew My Subscription (Demo) | 7 |
Reprehensible | 10 |
Rest Awhile | 10 |
Rhythm Section Want Ad | 10 |
Rhythm Section Want Ad (Demo) | 7 |
Road Movie To Berlin | 7 |
Robert Lowell | 8 |
Robot Parade | 9 |
Robot Parade (Adult Version) | 8 |
Rocket Ship | 8 |
Rock Club (Dial-A-Song) | 7 |
Roy G. Biv | 9 |
S-E-X-X-Y | 7 |
S-E-X-X-Y (Kendal Mintcake Remix) | 9 |
Sally Boy Candy Bar | 8 |
Santa's Beard | 4 |
Santa Cruz | 9 |
San Francisco | 6 |
Sapphire Bullets Of Pure Love | 8 |
See The Constellation | 9 |
Sensurround | 10 |
Sensurround (Soundtrack Version) | 6 |
Severe Tire Damage Radio Ad | 9 |
Severe Tire Damage Theme | 9 |
She's Actual Size | 8 |
She's Actual Size (Live STD) | 10 |
She's An Angel | 10 |
She's An Angel (08-19-2000 Brooklyn Show) | 9 |
She's An Angel (Live NYC) | 10 |
She's An Angel (Live STD) | 10 |
She Was A Hotel Detective | 9 |
Shoehorn With Teeth | 8 |
Siftin' | 8 |
Sleeping In The Flowers | 9 |
Sleepwalkers | 9 |
Snail Shell | 8 |
Snowball In Hell | 10 |
Snowball In Hell (Demo) | 8 |
Somebody's Body | 9 |
Someone Keeps Moving My Chair | 10 |
South Carolina | 10 |
So Long, Mockingbird | 9 |
Space Suit | 10 |
Spider | 6 |
Spine | 8 |
Spines | 7 |
Spiraling Shape | 10 |
Spy | 7 |
St. Louis | 7 |
Stalk Of Wheat | 9 |
Stand On Your Own Head | 10 |
Stomp Box | 10 |
Stormy Pinkness | 9 |
Subliminal | 9 |
Take Out The Trash | 7 |
Tango Distorto | 10 |
Taste The Fame | 7 |
Taste The Fame (Home Movies Version) | 9 |
Teenagers Are Going | 7 |
Theme From Flood | 7 |
Theme From Unlimited | 9 |
There's A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow | 9 |
Thermostat | 10 |
They'll Need A Crane | 9 |
They Got Lost (Song) | 8 |
They Might Be Giants (Song) | 8 |
The Ballad Of Davy Crockett (In Outer Space) | 7 |
The Bells Are Ringing | 10 |
The Big Big Whoredom (Live) | 9 |
The Bloodboat | 9 |
The Bloodmobile | 8 |
The Cap'm | 9 |
The Car Crash | 8 |
The Day | 6 |
The Devil Went Down To Newport | 9 |
The Edison Museum | 7 |
The Edison Museum (Wax Cylinder) | 9 |
The End Of The Tour | 8 |
The Famous Polka (Demo) | 9 |
The Gravel's Coming With Us | 8 |
The Guitar | 9 |
The Guitar - No One Knows My Plan (08-19-2000 Brooklyn Show) | 10 |
The King Of Wingo | 6 |
The Lady And The Tiger | 10 |
The Long Grift | 7 |
The Mesopotamians | 8 |
The Oblongs Theme | 4 |
The Shadow Government | 8 |
The Songs Of The 50 States | 9 |
The Spine Surfs Alone | 9 |
The Statue Got Me High | 10 |
The World's Address | 10 |
The World Before Later On | 8 |
Thunderbird | 8 |
Tigerella | 3 |
Till My Head Falls Off | 9 |
Tiny Doctors | 7 |
Tippecanoe And Tyler Too | 10 |
Toddler Hiway | 5 |
Token Back To Brooklyn | 8 |
Too + 3 R One | 9 |
Too Cool Girls | 10 |
Towson | 8 |
To Serve Mankind | 8 |
To The Bubblecraft! | 9 |
Trap Door | 8 |
Tree | 8 |
Trucker's Coffee | 7 |
Truth In Your Words | 9 |
Tryptophane | 10 |
Tucson | 7 |
Tumbleweed | 9 |
Turn Around | 10 |
Turn Around (Live NYC) | 10 |
Turtle Songs Of North America | 8 |
Twisting | 8 |
Twisting (Blue Note Show) | 10 |
Unforgotten | 8 |
Unrelated Thing | 7 |
Unsupervised, I Hit My Head | 7 |
Untitled Remix | 8 |
Upside Down Frown | 9 |
Utah | 8 |
Valentine | 7 |
Vancouver | 6 |
Vancouver (Studio) | 6 |
Vanderbilt Spin-The-Dial | 9 |
Vestibule | 9 |
Vote Or Don't | 8 |
Wake Up Call | 9 |
We've Got A World That Swings | 9 |
Wearing A Raincoat | 8 |
Welcome To The Jungle | 8 |
West Virginia | 10 |
We Live In A Dump | 9 |
We Want A Rock | 10 |
What Am I Doing Hangin' 'Round? | 9 |
What Are We Doin' To Pigs? | 9 |
What Is Everyone Staring At? | 9 |
Whence That Wince | 7 |
When It Rains It Snows (Demo) | 9 |
Where Do They Make Balloons? | 9 |
Where Your Eyes Don't Go | 10 |
Which Describes How You're Feeling | 9 |
Which Describes How You're Feeling (Demo) | 9 |
Whirlpool | 10 |
Whistling In The Dark | 10 |
Why Did You Grow A Beard? | 10 |
Why Does The Sun Shine? | 7 |
Why Does The Sun Shine? (Live STD) | 9 |
Why Must I Be Sad? | 7 |
Wicked Little Critta | 9 |
Window | 9 |
Withered Hope | 10 |
Withered Hope (Live At XM Studio) | 9 |
With The Dark | 10 |
Women & Men | 9 |
Words Are Like | 8 |
XTC Vs. Adam Ant | 5 |
Yeah, The Deranged Millionaire | 8 |
Yeh Yeh | 8 |
You'll Miss Me | 10 |
You're On Fire | 8 |
Your Mom's Alright | 6 |
Your Own Worst Enemy | 9 |
Your Racist Friend | 8 |
Your Racist Friend (Sampladelic Remix) | 8 |
Youth Culture Killed My Dog | 10 |
You Are My Sunshine | 7 |
You Are Old, Father William | 10 |
Zeroes | 7 |
Z Y X | 9 |