The Car Crash

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name The Car Crash
artist They Might Be Giants
releases TMBG Unlimited - November, TMBG Clock Radio
year 1989
first played May 30, 1987 (23 known performances)
run time 1:10
sung by John Linnell, John Flansburgh, The Audience


  • From TMBG Unlimited: "This crash, recorded in Munich in 1989, is but one of many enacted by our audience in the late eighties. The purpose of the Car Crash was to keep the ball rolling in the event of equipment failure. Tape could be wound back on to spools, guitars could be tuned, accordion straps could be duct taped, all while the entertainment continued seamlessly."
  • At some 1992 shows, They Might Be Giants would do an alternate version of the Car Crash referred to in newspaper reviews as the "Brooklyn Car Alarm"[1]. During this participation segment, the band would divide the audience between the car alarm sounds and the car owner, who would shout "Hey! Get away from my car!" The "Brooklyn Car Alarm" would also be used to fill the instrumental break during performances of "Hide Away Folk Family" in 1992, which would usually be filled by John Flansburgh asking the audience to "scream as if you're in Hell!"
  • Sometimes TMBG would do a "Plane Crash."

Song Themes

Accidents, Onomatopoeia, Spoken Word


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