
From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Oranges
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Non LP Tracks, TMBG Unlimited - April, (2000-2006), They Got Lost, TMBG Clock Radio, Podcast 55, Songs For Chop
year 2001
run time 1:09
sung by John Flansburgh


  • From, "We cooked up this song as an accompaniment to a cool web site designed by The Chopping Block (the fine folks who've designed Mink Car, No! and a lot of our web stuff.)" — this country tinged jingle was recorded for TMBG's commissioned graphic and web design company, The Chopping Block, for their previous web site design (entitled Oranges).
  • This was also one of the songs released for eMusic subscribers.
  • Parts of The Chop Shop site title the song, "Oranges and Graphic Design". This applies to all versions and instrumentals of the song.

Song Themes

The Chopping Block, Colors, Food, Occupations, Plants, Time


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Oranges is currently ranked #742 out of 1032. (43 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.71)