(She Thinks She's) Edith Head
From This Might Be A Wiki

Illustration from the Long Tall Weekend liner notes
song name | (She Thinks She's) Edith Head |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | What We Did This Summer, Long Tall Weekend, They Might Be Giants Vs. McSweeney's |
year | 1999 |
first played | March 4, 1999 (74 known performances) |
run time | 2:32 |
sung by | John Flansburgh |
- Learn about Edith Head and Helen Gurley Brown.
- In 2020, Flansburgh confirmed that the ending was done totally "spontaneously by the command of Dan Miller. There already was the 'false ending freak out' and he just demanded another. Those were cramped conditions to work in, but it was fun doing so much of the tracking together."[1]
- Listening closely to the left channel at 2:15, one can hear Flansburgh say "I ate a bug". This phrase also appears in the Mink Car version much more audibly, but during the studio chatter after the song.
- In They Might Be Giants Vs. McSweeney's, this song accompanies "Untitled" by Amy Sillman.
Song Themes
Age, Conservatism, Denial, Heads, Holidays, Mirrors And Reflections, Music, Not In Major Or Minor, People (Real), School, Screaming, Songs With Handclaps, Two Chord Songs, Windows
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