Particle Man (Live At XM Studio)

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Particle Man
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Free Tunes, Podcast 1A, Dial-A-Song (2015), TMBG Shop (as "Particle Man (Live at Nola Studios)"), TMBG Instant Fan Club 2024 (as "Particle Man (Live at Nola Studio)")
year 2005
run time 2:10
sung by John Linnell, John Flansburgh


This highly alt. version was cooked up pretty much on the spot for a kids' show we recorded a few weeks back. (Yes, it is moi, Dr. F, subbin' for DW on the bass, so all bass-accuracy complaints can be made at 1-800-SOIMNOTTHATGOODONTHEBASSLIGHTENUP.) The track was recorded upstairs from the XM Studio at a pretty vibey place called Nola Recording. Word has it Nola is the oldest working recording studio in NYC. Previous recordings by Judy Garland, Charlie Parker, Elvis Costello and [...] Barbra Streisand.

Song Themes

Accents, Heads, People (Imaginary), Questions, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Science, Shapes, Size, Super-Human Qualities, Time, Water


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Particle Man (Live At XM Studio) is currently ranked #378 out of 1032. (25 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.50)