Yeah, The Deranged Millionaire
From This Might Be A Wiki

Myspace artwork
song name | Yeah, the Deranged Millionaire |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Free Tunes, Podcast 2A, Podcast Highlights,, Cast Your Pod To The Wind |
year | 2005 |
first played | February 25, 2012 (1 known performance) |
run time | 1:25 |
sung by | John Flansburgh |
- From "This song, recorded on borrowed equipment during the Deranged Millionaire's takeover of They Might Be Giants studio, is only available here and on They Might Be Giants Podcast 2A available at iTunes."
- From the 12-16-2005 TMBG Newsletter: "Recorded at KLOG during the time the Deranged Millionaire was occupying They Might Be Giants' studios, this song is a harsh reminder of the pitfalls of counting out the powerful advantages of echolocation."
- This song was featured in the book trailer for John Hodgman's third book, That Is All.
- John Hodgman included this song on his mix for the AV Club of "Songs for Ragnarok, the end of days".
"Deranged Millionaire" was the song that was written by They Might Be Giants based on a character I developed for a series of videos that we had done together in 2004, long before I had ever been on TV, at a time when I was mainly a writer for magazines and websites, and therefore didn't imagine I would ever be a deranged thousandaire, never mind a deranged millionaire. And when [John] Flansburgh wrote that song and put it out on a podcast, it was truly one of the most delightfully weird things to ever happen. I had always been such a huge They Might Be Giants fan, and it just began to hint at the surreality that my life was beginning to take on when I very unexpectedly started to go on television.
People forget how outcast They Might Be Giants can be. They have a reputation for writing really deft, funny, clever melodies, and they also make a lot of music for kids, which is terrific, but when you see them in concert, they can rock the house. And I just love hearing those strings at the beginning of that song, and all of the sudden Flansburgh's crazy voice screaming my name. Who wouldn't love that?
Song Themes
Animals, Criminal Activities, Falsetto, Fire, Money, People (Imaginary), Precious Metal, Recursion, Science, Songs With Handclaps, Yes
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