
From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Jessica
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Why Does The Sun Shine? (EP), TMBG Clock Radio, Stumpbox, Stumpbox Speak My Thoughts, John Henry + Factory Showroom
year 1993
first played July 31, 1993 (4 known performances)
run time 2:24
sung by Note.svg Instrumental


  • From the back of Why Does The Sun Shine? (EP): "Originally recorded by The Allman Brothers Band, Jessica is off the group's Brothers and Sisters album from 1973. Recorded after the tragic death of band founder Duane Allman, it retains the vibrant beauty and know-how that made them legends of Southern rock."

Song Themes

TMBG Remakes


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Jessica is currently ranked #519 out of 1032. (41 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.27)