Kendra McCormick

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Kendra McCormick
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Free Tunes, Podcast 7A, Cast Your Pod To The Wind
year 2006
run time 0:52
sung by John Flansburgh


  • On an interview with the Paste Culture Club Podcast, Flansburgh had this to say: "We're doing this thing with this radio station CD101, where we're basically just writing songs for contest winners. So, they're basically like phone answering machine messages for their contest winners. So, we've got like three homework assignments. So, we just kind of made up that song on the fly. Although like a lot of songs made up on the fly, it's actually surprisingly acceptable and interesting." (Scott Bower and Demarais Parker were the other two winners of the contest.)
  • John and John have credited The Stranglers' song "Duchess" as an inspiration for this song.

Song Themes

People (Real), Real Estate, School, Telecommunication


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Kendra McCormick is currently ranked #841 out of 1034. (37 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.41)