Severe Tire Damage Theme

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Severe Tire Damage Theme
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Severe Tire Damage, They "Might Be" Giants, TMBG Clock Radio, The Spine Surfs Alone: Rarities 1998-2005
year 1998
first played September 6, 1998 (30 known performances)
run time 0:39
sung by Note.svg Instrumental


  • One of three studio tracks on Severe Tire Damage, along with "About Me" and "Doctor Worm."
  • The song was recorded in 1993, in the same sessions as the Why Does The Sun Shine? EP.[1] It can be assumed that it had a different title when it was recorded, and was renamed for the Severe Tire Damage album. "About Me" was also recorded in these 1993 sessions.
  • This song might be an instrumental adaptation of "About Me." Producer Pat Dillett reportedly told fans in 1998 that the two were variations of the same song.[2] Both songs share a similar lead melody, though they are in different keys and time signatures.

Song Themes

Intros, Self-Reference


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Severe Tire Damage Theme is currently ranked #624 out of 1032. (30 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.03)