Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought We Had A Deal

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought We Had a Deal
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Unreleased, Dial-A-Song, Power Of Dial-A-Song, Free When You Call From Work
year 1988
run time 2:22
sung by John Linnell


  • This recording is an early version of the final EP version heard on Miscellaneous T with minor lyrical differences and the use of toy-like instrumentation.
  • On one of the recordings, John Flansburgh mentions the release of Lincoln, meaning that this song played on the service at least as early as 1988.

Song Themes

Bad English, Children, Criminal Activities, Games, Gratitude, Lies And Deception, Money, Oblique Cliches Or Idiom, Occupations, People (Imaginary), Puns, Recycled Material, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Self-Reference, Sex, Titles And Honorifics


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