Hall Of Heads

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Hall of Heads
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Dial-A-Song, Apollo 18, Flood + Apollo 18
year 1992
first played August 14, 1992 (6 known performances)
run time 2:53
sung by John Flansburgh; Julie Cohen sings some harmonies


  • At 2:27, Flansburgh can be heard whispering "Alan". This is a shout-out to Alan Winstanley, who mixed the song.[1]
  • According to Mr. Flansburgh, the Mono Puff song "Guitar Was The Case" was partially inspired by this song, melodically.

Song Themes

Body Parts, Doors, Escape, Heads, Museums, Non-John Vocals, Problems with Liner Notes, Paranoia, Recycled Material, Self-Reference


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Hall Of Heads is currently ranked #493 out of 1032. (108 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.30)