
From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Oregon
artist John Linnell
releases State Songs, TMBG Clock Radio, Podcast 57A
year 1999
first played October 7, 1995 (16 known performances)
run time 1:49
sung by John Linnell


  • This is the same basic recording as the version on the State Songs EP, but mixed differently; a saxophone solo is added to the final verse.
  • The song is based entirely on a repeating chromatic scale in the bass line. All 12 notes of the chromatic scale are played over and over.
  • From the State Songs liner notes:
In 1899 the title of Oregon's State Flower was bestowed upon the Oregon Grape (Berberis aquifolium). The Beaver State leads the nation in its peppermint and blackberry production.

Song Themes

Evil, French, Paranoia, Real Estate, Sex, Streets, US States


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Oregon is currently ranked #697 out of 1035. (34 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.84)