First Kiss

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name First Kiss
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Severe Tire Damage
year 1998
first played August 29, 1997 (21 known performances)
run time 1:35
sung by John Flansburgh with John Linnell singing harmony during the chorus


I just wrote this song called "First Kiss", that's like, a pretty unambiguous, unqualified love song. That's a real accomplishment for us. We've recorded like a hundred and thirty songs or something, and none of them are love songs, not a one. There are a lot of songs that are about relationships, but they're about sort of these fractured, damaged relationships. I feel it's important to just do one that's just an "I love you" song. And that's hard to do, because it's very familiar terrain. There's lots of mediocre work in that area − most songs are not very good, and a large proportion of the songs that aren't very good are love songs. I don't know why I'm drawn to it, but it just seems like it's an important thing.

Song Themes

Clothes, Gleeful Irreverence, Love, Questions, Sleep (Theme), Time, Transportation


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First Kiss is currently ranked #168 out of 1032. (73 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.77)