Always Coca-Cola

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Always Coca-Cola
artist John Flansburgh
releases TMBG Unlimited - November (as Mystery Track), (2000-2006) (as Mystery Track), TMBG Clock Radio (as Coca-Cola), TMBG Instant Fan Club 2024
year 1997
run time 1:29
sung by John Flansburgh; Robin Goldwasser harmonizes near the end


  • This is a radio advertisement created for Coca-Cola that aired around 1997. From the FAQ:
Flans did indeed create a radio commercial for Coca Cola which was meant to sound as if someone was riding the radio dial and stopping on a bunch of fake song bites that had to do with Coke. Flans sang all these songs, one of which is a version of "Poison Flowers" from The Steve Calhoon Years EP, with the lyrics "cherry cola" changed to "Coca Cola". The commercial was about 60 seconds and played for a brief time on American radio.
This spin-of-the-radio-dial covers a fair bit of ground genre-wise. Initially, there were some bone-crushing DMX-style drum machine moments in there but it was found too extreme for the client. We also had to sign a contract the size of a phone book including a clause that forbid us from saying anything disparaging about Coca-Cola. But who would? Robin “Goldie” Goldwasser joins the proceedings in the haunted “Alll-wayssss” ending.

Song Themes

Colors, Doors, Non-John Vocals, Recycled Material, Robots, Songs Used In Commercials, Trade Names


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Always Coca-Cola is currently ranked #983 out of 1020. (15 wikians have given it an average rating of 6.57)