
From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Whirlpool
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Why Does The Sun Shine? (EP), TMBG Clock Radio, Stumpbox, Podcast 11A, John Henry + Factory Showroom
year 1993
first played December 30, 1995 (2 known performances)
run time 2:10
sung by John Flansburgh, then John Linnell


  • From the back of the Why Does The Sun Shine? EP: "The Meat Puppets have always been a favorite with the younger set, and as their legend continued it was just a matter of time before They Might Be Giants fell under their magical, musical spell. Whirlpool, from their 1992 release Forbidden Places is a heart-stopping example of the Meat Puppets' lyrical wealth. The bass and saxophone arrangement presented here compliments the Meat Puppets' elfin vision."
  • In 2021, John Flansburgh reflected on recording this song:[1]
The Meat Puppets are a great band and hold a unique place in our hearts. Their story is so wild, a movie couldn't contain it...Whirlpool was more rehearsed and purposeful and I think stands up a little better [than "White Sport Coat"]. But just being able to collaborate, however long distance, with the Meat Puppets was a privilege.

Song Themes

Personification, Sea, TMBG Remakes, Weather


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Whirlpool is currently ranked #215 out of 1032. (70 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.71)