
From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Oddball
artist Mono Puff
releases The Devil Went Down To Newport (EP), TMBG Clock Radio, Podcast 26A, Dial-A-Song (2015)
year 1996
first played June 26, 1996 (4 known performances)
run time 3:19
sung by John Flansburgh, Robin Goldwasser backs


  • Originally recorded by Frank Black and originally appeared on the UK single for "Headache" and later the b-sides compilation, Oddballs.
  • Performed live with Frank Black on September 19, 1996 at the House of Blues in Los Angeles, CA.
  • Flansburgh:[1]
    This is a track originally recorded by Frank Black that Mono Puff covered during a b-sides session hastily put together at (gone but beloved) Coyote Studio in Williamsburg at the behest of the record co. It united the guitarmanship of Mr. Lyle Workman (now of movie fame who was in town touring with FB at the time) and super-rock guitar genius Eric Schermerhorn (who was in the middle of his tenure with TMBG after some years with Iggy Pop) Their 100% locked-rock interplay on this track is really quite fantastic. Ms. Robin Goldwasser (of Electric Car fame) also jumps in on the harmonies on the final chorus line. This should have been on the album!

Song Themes

Falling, Mathematics, Music, Self-Reference, Time, TMBG Remakes


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Oddball is currently ranked #131 out of 1030. (22 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.86)