Dee Dee And Dexter

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Dee Dee And Dexter"
Flansburgh and Linnell in robot-form, from the music video

song name Dee Dee and Dexter
artist They Might Be Giants
releases TMBG Clock Radio, Podcast 4A, TMBG Instant Fan Club 2011, Dial-A-Song (2018), Secret Music Vol. 2
year 2003
run time 1:32
sung by John Flansburgh


  • Song created by TMBG for the Cartoon Network show Dexter's Laboratory.[1] The advertisement itself was produced by Klasky-Csupo.
  • Among Dexter's inventions showcased are giant-robot caricatures of Flansburgh and Linnell.
  • A Japanese announcer is dubbed on certain sections of the song on the Cartoon Network music video.

Song Themes

Bad English, Cartoons, Language, Plans, Relatives, Robots, Size, Transportation, TV And Movie Themes


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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