
From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Zeroes"
Screenshot from the video for Zeroes.

song name Zeroes
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Here Come The 123s, Podcast 31A, CD/DVD Sampler
year 2007
run time 1:06
sung by John Flansburgh, Hannah Levine


  • The song debuted alongside "One Everything" in November 2007 on Playhouse Disney, starting the rotation of Here Come The 123s songs being played on the network.
  • This song's video was created by Feel Good Anyway, with Bill Morrison and Matt Eller directing the video and designing the characters, and being animated by both them and Willie Bogue.
  • According to the October 27, 2021 episode of This Might Be a Podcast, which featured David Cowles, he was originally going to direct this song's video, but he was reassigned by Flansburgh to "The Mesopotamians" after only a few sketches were done on a piece of paper, and the video was then done by Feel Good Anyway.
  • The song title is misspelled "Zeros" in the Here Come The 123s liner notes.

Song Themes

Educational, Falsetto, Mathematics, Numbers, Size, Spoken Word


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Zeroes is currently ranked #832 out of 1032. (32 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.44)