New Orleans

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name New Orleans
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Venue Songs, Podcast 51
year 2004
first played July 21, 2004 (3 known performances)
run time 2:05
sung by John Linnell


  • Also known as "House Of Blues" in the original concert setlist.
  • Venue song for the New Orleans House Of Blues.
  • Sounds like a musical nod to Ozzy Osbourne's style of rock.
  • "There is a house in New Orleans" is a direct quote from the traditional lamentation "The House of the Rising Sun" (an old folk song of probably unknown authorship), made perhaps most famous by The Animals.

Song Themes

Accents, Real Estate, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Screaming, Venue Songs, Violence


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New Orleans is currently ranked #584 out of 1032. (15 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.13)