
From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Havalina
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Dig For Fire: A Tribute To Pixies, Podcast 45, Album Raises New And Troubling Questions
year 2007
run time 2:37
sung by John Linnell


'Havalina' was not their first choice. When I originally approached them, they were interested in 'Wave of Mutilation', but another band [Joy Zipper] had picked that one (and ironically, that other band worked so fast, they actually had the song recorded before TMBG got back to me.). But they came back with 'Havalina' which in their own words:

'Havalina' is an example of a kind of Pixies song that seems underappreciated, and there was some elbow room for interpretation in covering it,' the band's John Flansburgh told SPIN.com."

  • The havalina, better known as the javelina or peccary, is a pig-like mammal commonly found in southwestern North America.

Song Themes

Altered Voice, Animals, Cities, Falsetto, Non-John Vocals, TMBG Remakes, Trees And Other Plants, US States, Weather


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Havalina is currently ranked #492 out of 1032. (44 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.30)