Don't I Have The Right?

From This Might Be A Wiki
Tony Millionaire's artwork for the song
Rykodisc artwork

song name Don't I Have the Right?
artist Mono Puff
releases Unsupervised, TMBG Clock Radio
year 1996
run time 2:54
sung by Nancy Lynn Howell


  • The original demo for this song was recorded for the performance art group Watchface piece "More Songs of Desire and Despair", which was performed by Iris Rose from April to May 1987. It also featured a song written by John Linnell.
  • John Flansburgh, from
I wrote this song a couple of years ago for performance artist Iris Rose's Torch Song show at La Mama. It is a radical departure, even for this record, but Nancy Lynn Howell's beautiful vocal brings the song to life.
  • Flansburgh in a 1996 interview: "It fits in the rest of the record in a grab-bag kind of way, whereas if it were on a They Might Be Giants record, people might think, 'Oh, they want people to take them seriously now.'"
  • Nancy Lynn Howell, who provides lead vocals on this track, is married to Mark Lerner. In 1989, Mark and Nancy's first date was at a Maudlins show at John Linnell's apartment Quiet Life in Brooklyn, for which he opened, performing early renditions of some of his State Songs.[1]
  • San Francisco-based singer Connie Champagne recorded a cover of this song for her 1991 Heyday Records album La Strada. The liner notes attribute the song to They Might Be Giants with a 1991 copyright, with Connie's description: "John F. tells me this is a torch song."
  • Though the versions mentioned above are all downtempo ballads, Flansburgh also once recorded a fast-paced upbeat version for Dial-A-Song.

Song Themes

Coffee, Drinks, Eyes, Forgetting And Remembering, Food, Games, Love Gone Sour, Money, Non-John Vocals, Rhymes, Questions, Time


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Don't I Have The Right? is currently ranked #647 out of 1032. (38 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.97)