1999 - Cowtown Medley
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | 1999 / Cowtown |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | TMBG Unlimited - July, DialASong.com (2000-2006) |
year | 1985 |
run time | 4:15 |
sung by | John Flansburgh, John Linnell |
- This recording is a live medley circa 1985. TMBG plays both "1999" (a loose cover of the Prince song) and "Cowtown" back to back.
- John Linnell in a 1990 Press-Courier interview:
We've done a lot of covers live. [...] Once we did a jazz swing version of '1999' by Prince, and people thought we were just making a reference to it. They didn't think we were trying to play it.
- In an interview with KMSU for the 2024 They Might Be Playing They Might Be Giants marathon, John Linnell would explain the gibberish words sung live by the Johns during performances of "1999":
We played it really fast, and we didn't know what the words were so we were just making up words and singing at the same time. So we were not singing the same thing, because we both were just improving words. I think the funniest part of it was that people didn't even know what song we were playing.
- This performance of Cowtown uses a similar drum track to the one heard in the 1985 promotional demo, suggesting that this performance may possibly predate the 1985 Demo Tape.
Song Themes
Medleys, Swear Words, TMBG Remakes
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