Cut The Strings
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Cut the Strings |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | TMBG Unlimited - October, (2000-2006), Dial-A-Song, Brave New World, TMBG Clock Radio (as "CutTheStrings"), Podcast 11A |
year | 1999 |
run time | 2:05 |
sung by | John Linnell; John Flansburgh sings the "General Relativity" section until the "All Hell breaks loose" line |
- Sung by TMBG, where they assume the guise of the fictitious heavy metal band, Demchuk, as part of the Battle Of The Bands project. Originally appeared as a video in the ABC mini-series Brave New World.
- In a 1999 interview with The Capital Times, Flansburgh said:
The last episode we did was on string theory, and there was nothing we could say except 'We hate string theory.' You can have an opinion about it, but no matter what your opinion is, it's kind of under-informed.
- Flansburgh on the video: "Robin Goldwasser was the stylist on that one. The jewelry is all from rock gear shops on St. Marks Place and Ricky's. The microphone was from my studio. And a hearty hat tip to Andy Richter for lending us his awesome wrestling mask from his personal collection."[1]
- This song is listed with the name "String Theory" on BMI.
- Appears in the Malcolm In The Middle episodes "Francis Escapes" and "Smunday".
Song Themes
Bad English, Battle Of The Bands, Educational, Jumping, No, People (Real), Puppets, Religion, Supernatural, Science
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