Cut The Strings

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Cut The Strings"
From the video for Cut The Strings

song name Cut the Strings
artist They Might Be Giants
releases TMBG Unlimited - October, (2000-2006), Dial-A-Song, Brave New World, TMBG Clock Radio (as "CutTheStrings"), Podcast 11A
year 1999
run time 2:05
sung by John Linnell; John Flansburgh sings the "General Relativity" section until the "All Hell breaks loose" line


  • Sung by TMBG, where they assume the guise of the fictitious heavy metal band, Demchuk, as part of the Battle Of The Bands project. Originally appeared as a video in the ABC mini-series Brave New World.
  • Flansburgh on the video: "Robin Goldwasser was the stylist on that one. The jewelry is all from rock gear shops on St. Marks Place and Ricky's. The microphone was from my studio. And a hearty hat tip to Andy Richter for lending us his awesome wrestling mask from his personal collection."[1]
  • This song is listed with the name "String Theory" on BMI.
  • Appears in the Malcolm In The Middle episodes "Francis Escapes" and "Smunday".

Song Themes

Bad English, Battle Of The Bands, Educational, Jumping, No, People (Real), Puppets, Religion, Supernatural, Science


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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