On Earth My Nina
From This Might Be A Wiki

Illustration from the Long Tall Weekend liner notes
song name | On Earth My Nina |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Long Tall Weekend |
year | 1999 |
run time | 1:24 |
sung by | John Linnell |
- This song was concocted when John Linnell listened to "Thunderbird" backwards and interpreted his reversed vocals into lyrics. The track itself is not "Thunderbird" reversed; instead it is Linnell, without accompaniment, singing the lyrics he heard. Although "Thunderbird" was performed live in 1999, it was not formally released until 2004.
- This song is sung in an episode of the podcast "The Adventure Zone" by Justin McElroy. He sings it in the voice of his character, The Firbolg, immediately after the passing of his character's father. This can be found in the episode titled "The Adventure Zone: Graduation: Ep. 25: Burden of Things."
Song Themes
A Cappella, Animals, Backwards, Recycled Material, Religion, Supernatural, Self-Reference
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