Ant (Indestructible Object Version)
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Ant |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Indestructible Object (EP), Podcast 45, TMBG's Other Thing Brass Band (EP) |
year | 2004 |
first played | September 28, 2003 (1 known performance) |
run time | 2:55 |
sung by | John Flansburgh |
- Features the celebrated TMBG's Other Thing.
- This version starts out in a lower key (G instead of A) and contains two more key changes than the original version.
- The horn section plays a riff from "Hail To The Chief" after the phrase "grow up to be president".
- Concludes with a crazy duet between a trumpet and a Kaoss Pad.
- This arrangement of the song was first performed on September 28, 2003 at Joe's Pub, New York, NY.
Song Themes
Animals, Dreams, Heads, Insects, Intelligence, Espionage, Presidents, Problems With Liner Notes, Real Estate, Recursion, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Sleep (Theme)
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