Am I Awake?

From This Might Be A Wiki
Video by Paul & Mike Swiatek
Video by Alex Italics
Video by Jack Fields
From the opening credits of "Resident Life"

song name Am I Awake?
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Indestructible Object (EP), Experimental Film (Promo), Podcast 7A, Idlewild
year 2004
run time 3:04
sung by John Linnell


  • Theme song for the TLC series Resident Life.
  • This was also on a commercial for a program on the USA Network.
  • In the Am I Awake? Studio Session video, Linnell playfully speculates that this is probably the first ever recorded song to feature a backwards Marxophone.
  • The opening electronic instrumentation is a constant theme in the Showtime series Dead Like Me starting with "Curious George" (Season 1 Episode 2).
  • On February 25, 2014, the band announced[1] a fan-made video contest, similar to the one for "Can't Keep Johnny Down" in 2011. John Hodgman served as judge again, this time determining three winners from the 150+ videos that were submitted.

Song Themes

Altered States, Bad English, Coffee, Clothes, Dreams, Forgetting And Remembering, Heads, Questions, Recursion, Sleep, Temperature, Time, TV And Movie Themes


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Am I Awake? is currently ranked #48 out of 1034. (195 wikians have given it an average rating of 9.09)