Meet James Ensor

From This Might Be A Wiki
Brian Doherty recording the song's vibraphone track, 1994
Self-portrait of Ensor on a Belgian poststamp (from Wikipedia)

song name Meet James Ensor
artist They Might Be Giants
releases John Henry, Dial-A-Song: 20 Years Of They Might Be Giants, A User's Guide to They Might Be Giants: Melody, Fidelity, Quantity, TMBG Clock Radio, John Henry + Factory Showroom
year 1994
first played June 13, 1993 (338 known performances)
run time 1:33
sung by John Flansburgh, John Linnell harmonizes


In my art history class, while in college, we were bored and all of a sudden [Ensor's] works came up and we were surprised at how exciting it was. He was an expressionist, like other 20th century expressionist painters, who was ahead of his time and was very eccentric. The line "Dig him up and shake his hand" is actually very specific - a parallel idea to a lot of his paintings which involve resurrections, skeletons and puppets being animated. It's not an accident that the language of the song reflects his work. He did a painting - titled something like "Self Portrait in 1970". It's a skeleton, wearing his clothes. He became a phenomenon right before the turn of the century. With the song, I'm trying to encapsulate the issues of his life - an eccentric guy who became celebrated and was soon left behind as his ideas were taken into the culture and other people became expressionists.
  • John Flansburgh would further explain the song's inspiration on Tumblr in 2024[1]:
I went to art school, and took a couple of years of art history. The pocket biography part of it is essentially a synthesis of his career as described by my professor–going from being essentially and unknown artist (perhaps what we would call a folk artist in 2024) to being a celebrated figure in the second half of his life. The “repeated himself” line was really digging in on how mannered his output became after his success–kind of a cautionary tale about the trap of notoriety.
  • In some live performances of this song, the Johns vocalize the guitar solo.
  • A television commercial for the video game Backyard Football '08 that aired on Cartoon Network around the game's release was accompanied by a newly recorded jingle that appeared to interpolate the chorus melody of "Meet James Ensor" with original lyrics. When asked about the commercial on Tumblr in 2024, Flansburgh replied, "Nobody told us nothin'," indicating the jingle was recorded without TMBG's permission.[2] Watch it on YouTube.

Song Themes

Body Parts, Death, Drink, Educational, Eyes, Forgetting And Remembering, Friendship, Hands, Loneliness, Misanthropy, People (Real), Relatives, Religion, Windows


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