Four Of Two

From This Might Be A Wiki
The Restoration Hardware clock (note the time)

song name Four of Two
artist They Might Be Giants
releases No!, No! Preview (as "4 of 2"), TMBG Clock Radio
year 2001
first played April 20, 2000 (110 known performances)
run time 2:18
sung by John Linnell


  • 'Four Of Two' is an old-fashioned American way to say 'four to two', or 1:56.
  • The clock in question is in Manhattan, on the Restoration Hardware building at Broadway and 22nd (935 Broadway). Apparently it was stopped at 1:56 for some time, but shortly after Linnell had recorded the demo, it was fixed. The clock in its broken state can be seen here.
  • "Four of Two" was originally written as a Dial-A-Song song aimed at TMBG's adult audience, with a graphic ending in which the narrator strangles himself out of boredom. This child-friendly version first appeared as a rough mix in 2000 as one of several free MP3s offered through eMusic that predated TMBG Unlimited.
  • At a San Francisco show in 2003, John Linnell announced the song thusly: "This is a song about a clock that doesn't fucking work."
  • A clip from the song is often played on NPR's Wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me!.

Song Themes

Colors, Funny But Sad, Heads, Love Gone Sour, New York City, Numbers, Size, Sleep, Streets, Time, Transportation


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Four Of Two is currently ranked #215 out of 1032. (105 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.71)