The Oblongs Theme

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The Oblongs Theme Song
The Oblongs

song name The Oblongs Theme
artist They Might Be Giants
releases 2001 Radio Sampler No. 2, TMBG Clock Radio, Podcast 8A, Podcast 34A
year 2001
run time 0:36
sung by Robin Goldwasser, John Linnell and John Flansburgh sing backup


  • Created by They Might Be Giants as the theme for the adult animated sitcom The Oblongs, which began on The WB in 2001 and ended on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim lineup in 2002, running for one season.
  • According to John Flansburgh, the theme was completely instrumental until about a week before the show was scheduled to broadcast.
  • At least two other bands, Sparks and Ween also submitted potential theme songs for the show. Sparks later released their rejected theme, "The Oblongs", as a CD bonus track.[1] Ween's attempt was eventually released under the name "Shwartze Pete" as a Dean Ween solo track.[2]

Song Themes

Cartoons, Non-John Vocals, Oxymorons, Paradoxes, And Contradictory Statements, Relatives, Title Not In Lyrics, TV And Movie Themes


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The Oblongs Theme is currently ranked #974 out of 1032. (25 wikians have given it an average rating of 6.75)