Drinkin' (Live Radio Version)

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Drinkin'
artist They Might Be Giants
releases TMBG Unlimited - November, DialASong.com (2000-2006)
year 2001
run time 1:39
sung by Note.svg Instrumental


  • From TMBG Unlimited:
    "In the summer of 1993 WFMU DJ Nick Hill decided to broadcast his usual "Music Faucet" program live from his own apartment in Williamsburgh, Brooklyn. By a pleasant coincidence, about half of the guests on his show were also living upstairs from him or somewhere nearby. Nick and most of the performers were out on Nick's deck, but microphones were also run up into Brian Dewan's studio and also into the bathroom Brian shared with Mr. Linnell, which is where John and John performed this instrumental. John F. played guitar next to the sink, and John L played bass saxophone within the reverberant bathtub."
  • This was performed a week after the song was written.

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Drinkin' (Live Radio Version) is currently ranked #560 out of 1032. (12 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.17)