Why Did You Grow A Beard?
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Why Did You Grow a Beard? |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Podcast 2A, TMBG Clock Radio, Podcast Highlights, Cast Your Pod To The Wind |
year | 2006 |
first played | April 26, 2006 (19 known performances) |
run time | 1:05 |
sung by | John Linnell |
- According to John Linnell, the answer to this song's title is "We Live In A Dump".
- The term "no-goodnik" (sometimes seen without the hyphen) comes from the Russian "negodnik", defined as a "worthless person, reprobate".[1]
- The version included on Cast Your Pod To The Wind is a new mix compared to the version previously released on Podcast 2A and Podcast Highlights. Most notably, it is much more reverb heavy, and the vocals are panned further to the left and right channels.
Song Themes
Altered Voice, Animals, Death, Hair, Questions, Relatives, Religion, Supernatural, Screaming
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