I Am Not Your Broom

From This Might Be A Wiki
From the enhanced No! CD
From the TMBG QuickCam

song name I Am Not Your Broom
artist They Might Be Giants
releases tmbg.com, No!, TMBG Clock Radio
year 2000
first played February 14, 1997 (115 known performances)
run time 1:04
sung by John Linnell


The song was written after I got a hold of one of these little inexpensive cameras in the shape of an eyeball that you can plug into your computer, and I realized John [Flansburgh] and I could actually make our own videos, not for half a million dollars, but for the $99 it cost to buy this thing. So I started out looking around the room for something to use in the video, and all there really was was my broom and my face.
  • Performed live as early as 1997, this song was originally considered for inclusion on Severe Tire Damage according to a September 1997 newsletter[1], but the song would not be chosen for release.
  • Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter films) calls this song a "cool track" on his iTunes Celebrity Playlist.
  • This song was originally sung to the tune of the old folk song "Oh! Susanna", as heard on the QuickCam version. By the time it was released on No!, however, the tune was slightly modified.

Song Themes

A Cappella, Accents, Aversion To Work, Mental Illness, Onomatopoeia, Self-Reference


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I Am Not Your Broom is currently ranked #735 out of 1034. (60 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.73)