See The Constellation

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name See the Constellation
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Apollo 18, Flood + Apollo 18
year 1992
first played June 29, 1992 (36 known performances)
run time 3:27
sung by John Flansburgh, John Linnell harmonizes on the chorus and outro


  • The beginning guitar riff pays homage to "Pleasant Valley Sunday" by the Monkees, according to John Flansburgh in a Radio They Might Be Giants description.[1]
  • The "1, 2, 3, 4" is a sample of Dee Dee Ramone's countoff on the Ramones song "Commando," from their 1977 album Leave Home. Later in the song the sample is doubled with the countoff from "California Sun," also from Leave Home. Flansburgh is an outspoken Ramones fan, and has called them "real role models" for They Might Be Giants.[2][3]
  • The song's opening line echoes the opening of the Warren Zevon song "Poor Poor Pitiful Me", but Flansburgh has stated, "The railroad track line was actually directly inspired by an imaginative promotional photo of another Elektra artist," Sara Hickman.[4] He claimed "the contrary elements of the image really spoke to me."[5]
  • The song that is heard underneath the fade-out is "I Miss Side 2" from Dial-A-Song. John Flansburgh said in 2012 when asked about this:
I am not positive, but I am guessing it's an unfinished track from that project called "I Miss Side Two" (that had already been scrubbed by the time the track was being mixed) and it was just folded in for psychedelic texture. But just listening to it now it's so timidly placed it almost sounds like an accident...
  • Some fans believed "Weird Al" Yankovic paid homage to this track in the song, "I Remember Larry," a Hilly Michaels style parody. Similarities are especially noticeable in the chorus which has an almost identical melody, as well as in the ending fadeout. Yankovic however has since stated it was merely a coincidence and not intentional.[6] Incidentally, the song is from his 1996 album, Bad Hair Day, which also contains the admitted TMBG style-parody, "Everything You Know Is Wrong."

Song Themes

Colors, Counting, Eyes, Heads, Not In Major Or Minor, Numbers, Questions, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Science, Screaming, Songs With Samples, Space


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