You Are Old, Father William
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | You Are Old, Father William |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Almost Alice, Podcast 43, TMBG Instant Fan Club 2024 |
year | 2010 |
run time | 2:33 |
sung by | John Flansburgh |
- This is a musical rendition of a poem of the same name, which appears in Lewis Carroll's 1865 novel, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
- Made for the compilation Almost Alice, which consists of songs inspired by the 2010 film adaptation of the novel.
- John Flansburgh:
Like half the people in the world and probably everyone on this album, I grew up deeply involved with the story of Alice in Wonderland, and we [were] always intrigued by the poem Alice recited to the caterpillar. 'You Are Old, Father William' was a brilliant introduction to the world of fantasy and absurdism. When we were approached about the album it was an obvious choice to turn that verse into a song. The only alteration we did was repeat the line 'You are old!' which seemed in keeping with the spirit of the story.[1]
Song Themes
Age, Animals, Body Parts, Colors, Hair, Heads, Medical, Money, Poetry, Questions, Relatives, TMBG Remakes, Violence
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