Cabbagetown (Demo)
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Cabbagetown |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Dial-A-Song, Free When You Call From Work, TMBG Unlimited - September, (2000-2006), TMBG Clock Radio |
year | 1983 |
run time | 2:22 |
sung by | John Flansburgh, John Linnell sings backup. |
- According to John Flansburgh in a Dial-A-Song outro message from around 1989[1], this was on the band's "very first demo."
- This demo was also one of the first recordings to be put into rotation on Dial-A-Song[2].
- This demo has dramatically different instrumentation and slightly different lyrics compared to the EP version.
Song Themes
Accents, Animals, Cities, Death, Falling, Food, Oblique Cliches Or Idiom, Relatives, Sea, Time, Transportation
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