Take Out The Trash

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Take Out The Trash"

song name Take Out the Trash
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Radio Sampler '07, The Else, They Might Be Highlights From The Else, 50,000,000 They Might Be Giants Songs Can't Be Wrong
year 2007
first played May 3, 2007 (122 known performances)
run time 3:14
sung by John Flansburgh; John Linnell harmonizes


  • The first released studio recording from The Else, posted as an MP3 to stereogum.com on April 27, 2007. The MP3 was removed on April 29. Stereogum's description of the track: "A fairly funky female empowerment jam, polished by the Dust Brothers."
  • According to a Billboard.com article, this song received "The Dust Brothers treatment" later into the creation of the album.
  • TMBG re-recorded this song for the video game The Sims 2: FreeTime in Simlish, the series' fictional gibberish language.

Song Themes

Love Gone Sour, Questions, Songs Used In Commercials, Songs With Handclaps


  • Watch it on Youtube.png
  • Watch it on Youtube.png – Recorded live on May 16, 2007

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