Counterfeit Faker

From This Might Be A Wiki
Illustration from the Long Tall Weekend liner notes

song name Counterfeit Faker
artist They Might Be Giants
releases The Complete Factory Showroom Sessions, Long Tall Weekend
year 1996
first played March 7, 1996 (85 known performances)
run time 2:12
sung by John Flansburgh, John Linnell sings backup


  • John Flansburgh has said this song is about a relative of his.
  • From the Summer 1999 Info Club newsletter: "A hopped up country number finds Linnell playing the banjo and fiddle (!) and some serious foot-stomping and cross-eyed harmonizing from Flansy. Different."
  • This song was occasionally performed live, using the same puppet heads that are better known for their appearance in "live" performances of "Exquisite Dead Guy".
  • Not to be confused with the song "Counterfeit Fake", originally a Dial-A-Song track that was eventually included on Then: The Earlier Years.
  • Briefly featured in an episode of This American Life at 40:17.

Song Themes

Doors, Lies And Deception, Occupations, Oxymorons, Paradoxes, And Contradictory Statements, People (Imaginary), Recycled Material, Relatives, Songs With Handclaps, Windows


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