One More Parade

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name One More Parade
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Rubáiyát (Elektra's 40th Anniversary), TMBG Clock Radio, Stumpbox, Podcast 11A
year 1990
run time 2:22
sung by John Linnell


  • The song was co-written by Phil Ochs and folk singer Bob Gibson. It opened Ochs’s debut LP All the News that's Fit to Sing, released by Elektra in 1964.
  • John Linnell sings this song with a noticeable nasal inflection, mimicking Ochs' vocal style.
  • Originally, Elektra requested that TMBG cover Queen's "We Will Rock You" for the compilation. Flansburgh elaborated in a 2020 Tumblr post:
They wanted us to do "We Will Rock You." I don't think they were trying to be insulting, but it felt to me like it would be hard not to see their intentions as having the faint taint of novelty thinking ("oh these guys are funny and small and don't really rock—how clever it would be to give them that arena-oriented rock song"). I mean the TELL is that we have so little in common with Queen. In almost every other case it was like with like—a bluesy act covered a bluesy song, a folkie did a folk song, etc. Also a lot of the material covered was quite obscure with tons of room for interpretation.

Unless we could cook up an original fresh take to it, what would you do that wasn't just a shitty tag along? But because it was also a suicide mission, being the original is so famous, so definitive and so great, it wasn't hard to beg off.

Song Themes

Death, Fire, Games, Occupations, Streets, TMBG Remakes, War, Military


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One More Parade is currently ranked #171 out of 1032. (38 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.76)