Ram On

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Ram On
artist They Might Be Giants
releases eMusic Freebies, Listen To What The Man Said: Popular Artists Pay Tribute To The Music Of Paul McCartney, Warm And Beautiful, TMBG Unlimited - April, DialASong.com (2000-2006), TMBG Clock Radio, Podcast 22A, Podcast 43, Secret Music Vol. 2, TMBG Instant Fan Club 2024, The Spine Surfs Alone: Rarities 1998-2005
year 2000
run time 2:40
sung by Note.svg Instrumental


When charged with the duty of covering a Paul McCartney solo track, we solemnly rose to the responsibility but chickened out when it came to singing the words. The result is another collaboration with The Elegant Too, and an extreme use of space echo.

Song Themes

TMBG Remakes


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Ram On is currently ranked #861 out of 1032. (20 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.36)