From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Thunderbird |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | The Spine, TMBG Clock Radio |
year | 2004 |
first played | March 13, 1999 (34 known performances) |
run time | 2:38 |
sung by | John Linnell |
- Thunderbird is the name of a cheap, high-proof class of wine, also known as bum wine.
- This song has made appearances at live shows since 1999, though initially with a faster arrangement, as used in the unreleased demo. John Linnell later said that the song didn't make it onto 2001's Mink Car, but it was "beloved enough" that they continued to play it live and "felt that it deserved to be on a record."[1] It was later released on The Spine.
- "I'm very happy with the version that wound up on The Spine of 'Thunderbird.' It was good that it had all that time for us to think about it." - John Linnell in an interview with FMQB.
- The basis of the song "On Earth My Nina" is John Linnell attempting to imitate the vocals of this song played backwards.
- The lyric "We'll have fun, fun, fun until T-Bird takes her dad away" plays on the lyrics to "Fun, Fun, Fun" by the Beach Boys.
Song Themes
Animals, Addiction, Compulsion, Body Parts, Backwards, Drinking, Falling, Forgetting And Remembering, Funny But Sad, Letters Of The Alphabet, Oblique Cliches Or Idiom, Problems With Liner Notes, Questions, Recycled Material, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Relatives, The Senses, Super-Human Qualities, Transportation
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