Indian Ocean
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Indian Ocean |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | TMBG Unlimited - August, (2000-2006), Podcast 51 |
year | 1983 |
run time | 2:45 |
sung by | John Flansburgh and John Linnell |
- From TMBG Unlimited: "This 'difficult' piece of music from the early '80s find John and John at their DeKalb St. space singing into an electric fan. The influence of San Francisco art rockers / mysterions The Residents can be heard directly in this unusual song."
- The detail that this song was recorded at Flansburgh and Linnell's shared apartment on DeKalb Avenue roughly dates it to 1983, marking it as one of the band's earliest recordings.
- John Flansburgh wrote about the song in 2014: "The track was put together in a perfectly wide open way – with no sense it would end up on Dial-A-Song or ever be heard outside of our work space. There are playing cards and bicycle wheels creating the percussion effect here."[1]
- John Linnell mentioned the song in a 2000 interview, discussing songwriting methods in relation to State Songs: "I had started coming up with song titles in collect-'em-all sets, which Flansburgh and I had already experimented with when we recorded a song for each of the three oceans... way back before we made records." This suggests that songs for the Atlantic and Pacific oceans were also recorded.
Song Themes
Geography, Recursion, Sea, Tableware
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