King Weed

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "King Weed"

song name King Weed
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Gigantic (A Tale of Two Johns)
year 1999
run time 2:23
sung by John Flansburgh, alternating with John Linnell on the middle verse


  • This song was written and recorded for the 1999 ABC miniseries Brave New World.
  • A likely working title for this song was "Beatles and Bugs", based on that name being grouped with other songs from Brave New World when published in TMBG's BMI catalog. The title "Beatles and Bugs" also made its way to the liner notes of A User's Guide To They Might Be Giants.

Song Themes

Animals, Educational, Insects, Not In Common Time, People (Real), Plants, Questions, Titles And Honorifics, Trade Names


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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King Weed is currently ranked #497 out of 1032. (31 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.29)