
From This Might Be A Wiki
Shows of 2007 | 2007 in TMBG history | Songs of 2007

Date Venue City Attendance
2007-02-07 SIRIUS Satellite Radio
(Left of Sessions)
New York, NY Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2007-02-17 Mardi Gras Festival St. Louis, MO Attendance (18) 18 wikians attended: Areyoumyana Bryn DarkSideOfTheSchwartz Freakflag J-Spot Moofy Muddy Pandaman Pitch Rat Patrol RhythmSectionWantAd Samuel Snodzilla TheBlunderbuss Thestatuegotmehigh Tmbg002 TSN Woodsie22

2007-03-10 TED Conference Monterey, CA Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2007-05-03a Stone Church
(6:30pm show)
Newmarket, NH Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: BlueCanary Checkmate987 Dan Garybot Hyperfine Kassi Mr.klaw MrBig Spacecow TomInBoston Tomthefirst Up the Library Steps

2007-05-03b Stone Church
(9:30pm show)
Newmarket, NH Attendance (4) 4 wikians attended: Hyperfine Kassi Riptor3000 Sandyjoys

2007-05-03c NHPR
(The Front Porch)
Concord, NH Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2007-05-04 Higher Ground South Burlington, VT Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Fwahobadagadz Kassi Kevin Mesopotamian MrsTrain

2007-05-05a Iron Horse
(7:00pm show)
Northampton, MA Attendance (18) 18 wikians attended: Augie CBGBrocker22 Curious and questioning Dave Duke33 Edeadguy Fillmore Funatic Fwahobadagadz Hoffmanbike Hyren Kassi Malsbury Mark Wing The Larch TMBG FOREVER Torgo Willie

2007-05-05b Iron Horse
(10:00pm show)
Northampton, MA Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Augie Bapslap Duke33 Kassi Leebenningfield Long Tall Kevin The Larch Torgo Vinylboy20

2007-05-06 Princeton University
(Terrace Club; Flansburgh's secret birthday show)
Princeton, NJ Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: Kassi

2007-05-08a WNRN Charlottesville, VA Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2007-05-08 Starr Hill Charlottesville, VA Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Battie Chefsalad Christina Ecks Kassi Markmeadows PhillyCrow Sullenmoon Westbaymonument Zander

2007-05-09 Mr. Smalls Theatre Millvale, PA Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: Aliste Almightyjimbob BobpalindromeBob FrankEinstein Gistheman22 Kassi Kman510 LitMatch Poutinstereo Thehennnry TheLazenby TheyCallMeDoctorWorm TimMierz Toast451 Twentyagon

2007-05-11 The Stone Pony Asbury Park, NJ Attendance (26) 26 wikians attended: Arbitropia BlixieB Corey Craighecht Dr Worm Edeadguy Frodolives Grenavitar HeyErikLeafinson Houseofmayors I am a Sax Player Jbell Kassi Kayakcup Ladognome Meekipoof Mind flux MRH0RRIBLE Obsessical Sensurround29 Tarnished armor TDK Tvman Uberpea Vvedge Yomoneyboat

2007-05-12 The German House Rochester, NY Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: (Turnip) HowardTCo Kassi RLJohYouDid Stillcaptures TomMasz Werstyq WhatIsThatThing Wyvernxk7

2007-05-16a Joe's Pub
(9:30pm show)
New York, NY Attendance (19) 19 wikians attended: Amy Autumnraina CapitalQ Cubeclub Freakflag Frodolives HeyErikLeafinson Houseofmayors Kassi Kayakcup Meekipoof Mister Charisma Moofy Oliveirach Skullivan TDK Thevince Vvedge Wally Brando

2007-05-16b Joe's Pub
(11:30pm show)
New York, NY Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Autumnraina Dkstar1 HeyErikLeafinson Kassi Kayakcup Leolapyre Meekipoof Paingel5jpg Richegreen Shaneoffools Skullivan Tsyndrome Willie

2007-05-18 Hard Rock Hotel
(The Joint; KVGS Area 108's "The Gathering")
Las Vegas, NV Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Apeiken ProphetM Takahashi

2007-05-19 Belly Up Solana Beach, CA Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: Brocktune Bwii Captaincaustic Da3ve Dlettington Eyetalic Faninor HectorR MikeHollywood My Insatiable One Perspixx Robotmachine Slick Techierain TVsKyle VenusEnV Wireless mike

2007-05-31 3LD Art & Technology Center
(RoboSonic Eclectic show)
New York, NY Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2007-06-01 3LD Art & Technology Center
(RoboSonic Eclectic show)
New York, NY Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: HeyErikLeafinson Kayakcup Leolapyre

2007-06-02 3LD Art & Technology Center
(RoboSonic Eclectic show)
New York, NY Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Brianwlevine Moofy TDK

2007-06-16 River Street Festival Troy, NY Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Apollo15 CuppaCoffee Frodolives Harringtonj85 HeyErikLeafinson IveGotAWeakHeart LoudInHere PR Mega X TDK WereTheMesopotamians

2007-07-03 Discovery Meadow
(104.9's Day on the Meadow)
San Jose, CA Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: Absolutelybill Aliste Almo Almond Artmonkeygirl Blue j Darrylduffy DominEl Dragonkiri Fasterthanyou Kerimaus Megalekaitrane Piece of Dirt Stormer Waterman

2007-07-16 PRI
(Fair Game)
Minneapolis, MN Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2007-07-17 WNYC
New York, NY Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: Kassi

2007-07-18 Bowery Ballroom
(Decade-themed: 2000s)
New York, NY Attendance (30) 30 wikians attended: Alia Billzilla CapitalQ Cubeclub Discardedfolderol Drworm75 ElbridgeGerry FrankEinstein Frodolives Garnavis HeyErikLeafinson Houseofmayors James.K.Folk Jba KALEB JAMES Kassi Kayakcup Leolapyre Milli Mister Charisma Mjb75 Moofy Pitch Pith Surveysez Tarnished armor TDK Vvedge Vwfreak42 Willie

2007-07-19 Bottle & Cork Dewey Beach, DE Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: BlixieB Drezin Kassi

2007-07-20 Chameleon Club Lancaster, PA Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: Amy Dante Derekcap Johncbowerman Joltman Kassi Kerosene Master Chicken Orangepeel Psuabq Repugnant Revamped the Airport Samantha Thehennnry Tvman Uberpea Yoyogod

2007-07-21 Beachland Ballroom Cleveland, OH Attendance (18) 18 wikians attended: Alexandria Appleheart Aquatopia Artnchicken BobpalindromeBob Buttertownmayor Dystopian Ehsteve14 Ewige Freakflag Ganna Gistheman22 Lucretius Manhouse Patinthehat Poutinstereo Theelse07fan Werstyq

2007-07-22 Max M. Fisher Music Center
(The Concert of Colors)
Detroit, MI Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Arithegreat Bowser724 Capn Nacho Culby Dystopian Francisco Freakflag Ganna Kinghawthorn Nathew Poutinstereo Sirubberduckie Zenity

2007-07-23 Mod Club Theatre Toronto, ON Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Ad Deejsylvis Drallo Koshka42 Negook Son of Bumpy

2007-07-25 Bowery Ballroom
(Decade-themed: 1990s)
New York, NY Attendance (32) 32 wikians attended: Bacon warrior Bortstuff Dairhenien Derek Denim Dkstar1 Drworm75 Farmanimalsrock FrankEinstein Happy Pizza Guy HeyErikLeafinson Houseofmayors James.K.Folk Kassi Kayakcup Leetch2 Milli Mink Car Mister Charisma Mjb75 Oliveirach Pitch Richegreen Rockmarooned Rosefox Skullivan Slightlyoffaxis Surveysez Tarnished armor Tsyndrome Vvedge Willie Wompedy

2007-07-26 The Green Room Seaside Park, NJ Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Analogkid Dkstar1 Dr Worm Frodolives I am a Sax Player JJRRutgers KaraokeNinja Kassi Kayakcup Oddjob Sensurround29

2007-07-27 Wellfleet Beachcomber Wellfleet, MA Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Fwahobadagadz Grant Kassi Leebenningfield RecipeForDisaster Writer61 Zak

2007-07-28 Wolf Den at Mohegan Sun Uncasville, CT Attendance (18) 18 wikians attended: Craighecht Edeadguy Harrycalder Hot Cha I'veGotAFang Iamsplice Kassi KathyK Ksw LeeSteel Megatron Milli PlayfairMoriarty Richegreen Tarnished armor Torgo Younghickory Zak

2007-08-01 Bowery Ballroom
(Horn extravaganza show with Velcro Horns)
New York, NY Attendance (44) 44 wikians attended: Amy Billzilla CapitalQ Craighecht Cubeclub Derek Denim Dkstar1 Drworm75 ElbridgeGerry Etsba Frodolives Happy Pizza Guy HeyErikLeafinson Houseofmayors James.K.Folk Kassi Kayakcup Leetch2 Leolapyre Megatron Milli Mink Car Mister Charisma Mjb75 Neuropod Nulldogmas Obsessical Oddjob Oliveirach Pitch Richegreen Rockmarooned Rosefox Sandyjoys Slightlyoffaxis Surveysez TDK Teddyleevin Tsyndrome Vvedge Wetreplies Willie WillieBHines Wompedy

2007-08-03 Stephen Talkhouse Amagansett, NY Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: Kassi

2007-08-04 The Planting Fields Arboretum
(Family show)
Oyster Bay, NY Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: AndyNg CapitalQ HeyErikLeafinson Houseofmayors Kassi Lemita Maxemaze Mr. 77 Sirjoshjoseph Some guy with an foot Tenderfoot Writer61 Zondry

2007-08-08 Bowery Ballroom
(Featuring a Velcro Horns encore)
New York, NY Attendance (30) 30 wikians attended: Cfhume Craighecht Derek Denim Drworm75 FrankEinstein Frodolives Garnavis HeyErikLeafinson Houseofmayors Ja9novak James.K.Folk Kassi KathyK Kayakcup Leetch2 Megatron Milli Mister Charisma Mjb75 Pjolly RLJohYouDid Surveysez Tarnished armor TDK Teddyleevin Tmbjared Tsyndrome Vvedge WhatIsThatThing Willie

2007-09-12 Rams Head Live Baltimore, MD Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: Apathetic Arrogant Oriole BlixieB Dante Duke33 Himynameism Mdith Nixonismyhero Poutinstereo RLJohYouDid Rossum Zaph

2007-09-13 The State Theatre State College, PA Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Fakecortex HeyErikLeafinson Poutinstereo Rachelurb Toupee

2007-09-14 Kentucky Center for the Arts Louisville, KY Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Barmonkey Bluething Dystopian Evillincoln Freakflag HeyErikLeafinson Kassi Moofy Poutinstereo QliffS

2007-09-15 The Pageant St. Louis, MO Attendance (27) 27 wikians attended: Arachnid flame Areyoumyana Atmosphere Bryn Enterthewumpus Freakflag GibbiPicasso Grahamswife HeyErikLeafinson J-Spot Kassi Kdern Moofy Mossycow Mscinderella Oreosarecrack Poutinstereo Samuel Shellbelle SubliminalJK Taking Over Thenowhereman Thestatuegotmehigh Tmbg lover Trillian42 TSN Woodsie22

2007-09-17a KCMP
(The Current)
Minneapolis, MN Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2007-09-17 First Avenue Minneapolis, MN Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Beatle Vette Bowser724 Chaddmaythis Klherrmann LouRocco Mmnatas Patteroast Reynoldbot Richter50512 Roogba TheSpoonyBard Totesawesome X-modem

2007-09-18 University of Iowa Iowa City, IA Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Admwrlk Afterward El Zilcho Geohawk Griffincat InterruptorJones Krueger LouRocco The stolker

2007-09-20 Boulder Theater Boulder, CO Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Einarfour FluffySciKitten JeshuaBratman JewWario RobMango TheBigDuluth Thestatuegotmehigh This Microphone Wetreplies

2007-09-21 The Depot Salt Lake City, UT Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Bigdondoo Darboe Drew Fliptophead Mbarlowm Mrb8s Stevenaaron Tealwren Theunknowable Zomnker

2007-09-22 Egyptian Theatre Boise, ID Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: Spiraling Shape

2007-09-23 University of Montana Missoula, MT Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Cody-schmidt Lilith999 Vroomfondl

2007-09-25 Commodore Ballroom Vancouver, BC Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Bee Blew33 Blewnote Cornchops EveLCG Hine Lithium junkie RLJohYouDid

2007-09-26 Moore Theatre Seattle, WA Attendance (20) 20 wikians attended: Cornchops Davidly Fitch Joe Rollerfan Lars Lithium junkie Magicalcrawdad Makebase Marticlepan Mge Miniwombat Prevenger Riblet15 RLJohYouDid Rnashby Rossum Tehbagel Tipo158 Tutticadenza Zeppyfish

2007-09-27 Roseland Theater Portland, OR Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: Antgeth Chewie Cowtown Eaglefire Folderol Gellykoodwin Grandpoohbear John-311 Kilana Parisinstereo Penngwinn Tensai The Joaq Thekneebiter Undees

2007-09-28 Empire Events Center Sacramento, CA Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Alicelove Aliste Artmonkeygirl BigJohn CSD DominEl MirandaRicheson StormyPinkness

2007-09-29 Rio Theatre Santa Cruz, CA Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Aceyyy Aliste Anna Ng Cambdoranononononono Derek Denim Kayakcup Piece of Dirt Pulletsforever RLJohYouDid Tisher Warhammer Of Zillyhoo

2007-09-30 The Fillmore San Francisco, CA Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: Addict Aliste Almo Artmonkeygirl Dragonkiri Fasterthanyou Kayakcup Kazen Plantpowered Squirt TheAmazombie Tisher Unclefuz Your Broom Zytka

2007-10-02 Ventura Theatre Ventura, CA Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Kayakcup MikeHollywood Partsguy Perspixx RLJohYouDid

2007-10-03 Avalon Hollywood Theater Hollywood, CA Attendance (26) 26 wikians attended: Arben Arianamama BatteryHead Captaincaustic CharlieWolf ClaytonSChan Cronny Eviltikimonkey Exit12 Eyetalic Jontom Lisaroxroxrox MikeHollywood My Insatiable One Perspixx Plurie Poplockmoose Radjose RLJohYouDid Stormer Subadvert The Bear The bone Trainman TVsKyle Yankamerica

2007-10-04 House of Blues San Diego, CA Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Captaincaustic Da3ve Einstein runner Eviltikimonkey My Insatiable One Nehushtan Rossum Slick

2007-10-05 House of Blues Anaheim, CA Attendance (31) 31 wikians attended: Arben Ashurbanipal Azechiel Brocktune Captaincaustic CharlieWolf ClaytonSChan DistopioSmashedtobits Earthworm meg Eviltikimonkey Eyetalic F59PHI450 Far call Freakflag Friendbone Hermy-o-ninny Kerimaus LadsGal McBob My Insatiable One Nogwater Oliveirach Perspixx RLJohYouDid Stormer Subadvert TAD2020 Techierain The Vanishing Dot Venusenv Zechief

2007-10-06 Rialto Theatre Tucson, AZ Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Ghstpg Lotswife RLJohYouDid Slinky22 VenusEnV Wireless mike Youlooklikeyourgrandmajustdied

2007-10-07 Santa Fe Brewing Company Santa Fe, NM Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Anextrafacelol Autumnraina Bec Kassi Meetjamesensor Sinisterscrawl Soylent Heliotrope Youlooklikeyourgrandmajustdied

2007-10-14 Columbia University
(Target "Great Children's Read")
New York, NY Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: CapitalQ Craighecht Frodolives Houseofmayors KathyK Milli Mind flux Moofy Nulldogmas RLJohYouDid Sapphirebullets TDK Tenderfoot Willie Zondry

2007-10-18 Toad's Place New Haven, CT Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: Alexandria Atomic liz Craighecht Edeadguy Iamsplice KathyK Kayakcup LeeSteel Megatron Milli Mongoose Nai Overjoy Particleworm Rofreg

2007-10-19 The Roxy Boston, MA Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: Alucard1137 Apostrophe T Augie Bostonjon Dfeltch Hyren Kethera Leebenningfield Ms Fernandez Obsessical The Almighty Doer of Stuff Tmb G TMBG FOREVER Younghickory Zak

2007-10-20a Northampton Box Office
(Live on WRSI)
Northampton, MA Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Augie CBGBrocker22 Duke33 Harrycalder The Larch Torgo

2007-10-20 Calvin Theatre Northampton, MA Attendance (23) 23 wikians attended: Akatimo Augie Bapslap Brian miller CBGBrocker22 Dave Duke33 Funatic Goetzathome Harrycalder Hoffmanbike KathyK Kb1425 Kethera Malsbury Mark Wing Nai Oxlahun RLJohYouDid RonAmoriM Surly-U-Jest The Larch Torgo

2007-10-24 Toad's Place Richmond, VA Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Chefsalad Doktorworm Kassi RLJohYouDid Snowballinhell7001

2007-10-25 The Norva Norfolk, VA Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Ecks Fallen head Jamskes Kassi Mrludwigva Wonderpay

2007-10-26 Carolina Theatre Durham, NC Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Czech JamesEnsor01 Jokah Kassi PhantomAL Tempus

2007-10-27 The Orange Peel Asheville, NC Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Dante Kassi Kenr Oingo87 PierrotSomepeople RLJohYouDid Stephonicle Syzslak Taquitos WZ Lawrence

2007-10-28 Neighborhood Theater Charlotte, NC Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Chriswbrad Ciaoies Doe Kassi KathyK

2007-10-30 The Handlebar Greenville, SC Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Kassi Matt Kurz Older Still PierrotSomepeople Syzslak Weepy donuts

2007-10-31 Music Farm Charleston, SC Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Jbullins Kassi MajinTrunkz PierrotSomepeople Pjcommunists RLJohYouDid TheyCallMeDrVerm

2007-11-01 Georgia Theatre Athens, GA Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Ames Binky1984 JohnInAthens Kassi Older Still

2007-11-02 Variety Playhouse Atlanta, GA Attendance (19) 19 wikians attended: Dietspritezero DoctorWorm7 Elise Geekqueen Hotelmesopotamia Iserguy Kassi Lange17 Lincoln MartysSoloCareer MinkeyBoodle11 Mr knucklehead Person man Poutinstereo Rjhatl Sixtyeightstate StudioBueno TheCerealPoet TheGreatBerserker

2007-11-03 Exit/In Nashville, TN Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Barmonkey Ben Bimbosavant Kassi Minvasive Poutinstereo Tgies

2007-11-04 Newby's Memphis, TN Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Areyoumyana Bpdave34 Kassi Mainmeli Pinecones Submandave Weirdojace Yahrdme

2007-11-06 Southgate House Newport, KY Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: Aesthete Aquatopia Bluething Dingo sal Duende Freakflag Malanai Mizary Moofy Raanve Reallydeepman StoicJohn TDK Theelse07fan Thevince

2007-11-07 Newport Music Hall Columbus, OH Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Duende Dystopian Freakflag Gistheman22 Hoyden42 Malanai RLJohYouDid Sirubberduckie StoicJohn

2007-11-08 The Vogue Indianapolis, IN Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Aesthete Duende IMBDave Indieme Mossycow Never Ovenmitt Thirtysilver

2007-11-09 Turner Hall Milwaukee, WI Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Epros Equinox21 FoF404 Madmazurk Minrice2099 Raythine Roonzilwazlib

2007-11-10 Vic Theatre Chicago, IL Attendance (30) 30 wikians attended: Almost a Scone AtionSong Beatle Vette Beer Gynt Curiosity Dialsforme Disgruntledninja Duecex2 EbolaSalad Flood222 Garnish Hammurabi Jdcooldude Kellifersue LouRocco Madmazurk MongooseDog Ppoi307 Procyon Ptarmigan61 Rabidchild1 RIVE SenorAnderson Skotfred Thesillyfatkid Thunderbird Tisher Vespaholic WalkingTarget Wbrimley

2007-11-13 The Intersection Grand Rapids, MI Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Bearsuit Francisco Ganna Jadeybeans Janetrain Nathew Recycleonly Xannie

2007-11-14 Michigan Theater Ann Arbor, MI Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Beatle Vette Benthorot Capn Nacho Ganna INeedACrane Jadeybeans Kinghawthorn Michael Mttrader Onikoroshi RLJohYouDid Squirrelgirl Tproa

2007-11-15 Mr. Smalls Theatre Millvale, PA Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Altermanncam Kassi King of rock OptToMiss Pandaman Poutinstereo Thehennnry TheLazenby Toast451

2007-11-16 Town Ballroom Buffalo, NY Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: Brettgobe Eskii Graceomallet HeyErikLeafinson MajorB Paingel5jpg Qalthos Rucksack Jack Son of Bumpy Squidexplosion Stillcaptures WednesdayGrrl

2007-11-17 Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Adamspektor BigEdgarP Captain Supercool J-Gatz Kassi Lucretius Poutinstereo

2007-11-18 Cultural Center Theatre Charleston, WV Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Curiosity Dr.Larry Duke of the Bump

2007-11-23 9:30 Club Washington, DC Attendance (18) 18 wikians attended: Apathetic Apfelbitsliam Area51mafia Benthorot BlixieB Buttertownmayor Chefsalad Dante Drypaintsigns Kassi Kayakcup Lucian Meiran Poutinstereo Redheadedsnippet Sullenmoon Tenniru Z.dayton

2007-11-24 TLA Philadelphia, PA Attendance (49) 49 wikians attended: Alexandria Analogkid Beanmom Bells12 Blind Simeon Blueruin Callaflower Ceritain People I named Chillpower Chimpoozle Davidcl Drezin DustinDaShelf Frodolives Goldie1028 GreenteaAT8 HeyErikLeafinson I am a Sax Player Juttman Kassi KathyK Kayakcup Ladognome Leolapyre LolaGeek Manderinxorange Maxemaze Micahmj11 Mlith35 Mollytmbg Moofy Mr. 77 Mrdo82 Musicologyman Oddjob Orangepeel Pacdude PhillyCrow Poutinstereo Samantha Sensurround29 Stoat TDK The Great Vowel Shift ThisMightBeAndy Tvman Twentyagon Vvedge Zakolita

2007-12-01 Michigan Technological University Houghton, MI Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Ehntoo Gannon Reverendg

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