
From This Might Be A Wiki
Shows of 2022 | 2022 in TMBG history | Songs of 2022

Date Venue City Attendance
2022-06-08 Bowery Ballroom
(Featuring all of Flood)
New York, NY Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: BlueCanary CapitalQ Craighecht J2 Kayakcup Museumofidiots Rosefox Selfcallednowhere TDK Teddyleevin Tisher Tvman Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike

2022-08-30 Asbury Lanes
(Featuring all of Flood)
Asbury Park, NJ Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: Burnt Toast CapitalQ Ferreteers James.K.Folk Kayakcup Museumofidiots MythicalLee Sapphirebullets Sunnyliemelody TDK Vvedge Wireless mike

2022-08-31 Asbury Lanes
(Featuring all of Flood)
Asbury Park, NJ Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: 2bitmonkey Bells12 CapitalQ Craighecht Dave1dmarx Kayakcup Kermit1234 Metalgrateeater Rsreale Scottscottscott TDK Vvedge Wireless mike WizTermy

2022-09-01 The Music Hall
(Featuring all of Flood)
Portsmouth, NH Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Apostrophe T Arthurdent MrBig Nucg5040 TMBG FOREVER

2022-09-02 State Theatre
(Featuring all of Flood)
Portland, ME Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Chriscam84 G flux Jadeybeans Rabbitcostume Softfuzzyman Stuff is way Velveteen YoungWilliam

2022-09-03 Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art
(Featuring all of Flood)
North Adams, MA Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Funatic Iamdooser Jujube1000 KathyK Lastnameface Mark Wing Mr. Vanity Klaw Toohorny

2022-09-15 Royale
(Featuring all of Flood)
Boston, MA Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: Arthurdent Automatedplayer Bluef00t FantasticMrSocks Ggerrietts Kethera Mongoose NeatStringer Riptor3000 Selfcallednowhere Softfuzzyman TMBG FOREVER TomInBoston Vdaq

2022-09-16 Royale
(Featuring all of Flood)
Boston, MA Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Ggerrietts NeatStringer Sapphirebullets Selfcallednowhere Staffman The nicest of the damned

2022-09-17 Higher Ground
(Featuring all of Flood, IFC livestream)
South Burlington, VT Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Flameshadow117 I've Got A Fang Kevin MisterMe Mrpulley Next in Line Ovenmitt PetertheTMBGfan Selfcallednowhere

2022-09-18 Academy of Music
(Featuring all of Flood)
Northampton, MA Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Funatic GrizonII Hoffmanbike Malsbury Mark Wing NeatStringer Noodleneck Overjoy Oxlahun Sandyjoys

2022-09-20 Daryl's House Club
(Featuring all of Flood & songs from Mink Car)
Pawling, NY Attendance (18) 18 wikians attended: Bells12 CapitalQ Craighecht Dave1dmarx Ferreteers Kayakcup Lukehennisch Minimumwage Mongoose Museumofidiots NeatStringer Richegreen Rsreale Selfcallednowhere Sonyar TDK Vvedge Wireless mike

2022-09-21 The State Theatre
(Featuring all of Flood)
Ithaca, NY Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Alexx Altermanncam Buddygiants Derek Denim James.K.Folk Jane is your Vietnam LVIImusic Selfcallednowhere Thecapm

2022-09-22 Town Ballroom
(Featuring all of Flood)
Buffalo, NY Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: A Rock Graceomallet JesseS Mx Xcitement Petefazio Selfcallednowhere Snowvent Zakkajj

2022-09-23 Mr. Smalls Theatre
(Featuring all of Flood)
Millvale, PA Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Adresa Aquatopia Dr-exmedic Entropy GuyfromPA Itscharleyb Selfcallednowhere Squirrelgirl Theorchidpool You&Me!!

2022-09-24 Mr. Smalls Theatre
(Featuring all of Flood & songs from Mink Car)
Millvale, PA Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Adresa CoasterFanatic Entropy FeatherMaze Grokmann Selfcallednowhere Squirrelgirl

2022-09-25 Bowery Ballroom
(Featuring all of Flood)
New York, NY Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: BlueCanary Brianwlevine CapitalQ Craighecht Dave1dmarx Eventi Ferreteers J2 Kayakcup Selfcallednowhere TDK Teddyleevin The nicest of the damned Tmbgdanfan Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike

2022-10-08 Ion International Training Center
(Shocktober Haunt Party)
Leesburg, VA Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: CapitalQ Dave1dmarx Edeadguy Erdomi FeatherMaze FezzikMcGuffin Fishman Giants Jubilee Mightathon Hopelessbleakdespair Its-a Mi-a MajinTrunkz Martycordova23 Minimumwage Puppethead97 Staticfanfare Vvedge Wildstorkmel

2022-10-11 Beachland Ballroom
(Featuring all of Flood)
Cleveland, OH Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Disinvited Guest Sirubberduckie

2022-10-12 Beachland Ballroom
(Featuring all of Flood)
Cleveland, OH Attendance (4) 4 wikians attended: Disinvited Guest FoldMorePaper Monkeytoes999 Out of Xenia

2022-10-13 Vic Theatre
(Featuring all of Flood)
Chicago, IL Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Akcroap Disinvited Guest LouRocco Mosesofthecows Mrsbluebeard RecordCollector06 Tedadore2 Wbrimley

2022-10-14 First Avenue
(Featuring all of Flood, livestream)
Minneapolis, MN Attendance (20) 20 wikians attended: Adamwolf Areyoumyana BlueCanaryWatchesOverYou Catpuppet Disinvited Guest Hauntedcandlesh0p I've Got A Fang JamHeronArk Kerimaus MrDJ Mrpulley Mrsomebodyelse PetertheTMBGfan ProstheticForehead Raydavies Sonyar SubliminalJK Valerie Vi Weirdalover

2022-10-15 Fitzgerald Theater
(Featuring all of Flood)
St. Paul, MN Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: Adamwolf AllTimeWhat Areyoumyana Bowser724 ButtonMarkedErase Disinvited Guest Griffincat Kerimaus Sleeper in the flowers TMBGdotLOVE Valerie Weirdalover

2022-10-16 The Pageant
(Featuring all of Flood)
St. Louis, MO Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: 24HR-COFFEE Annadacanada Areyoumyana B33-1N-Y0UR-B0NN3T BlindGuy Bookaren Disinvited Guest ENIGMA Jonasd LatecomerSynapse Mrsbluebeard SubliminalJK Tsunani Yahrdme Zander

2022-12-15 9:30 Club
(Featuring all of Flood)
Washington, DC Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: CoreyFoister Dave1dmarx Disinvited Guest Minimumwage Selfcallednowhere Thatbluething Tmbgdanfan

2022-12-16 Lincoln Theatre
(Featuring all of Flood)
Washington, DC Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: CoreyFoister Dergos Disinvited Guest Ebow Exit12 FezzikMcGuffin Selfcallednowhere Thatbluething Tmbgdanfan

2022-12-17 Lincoln Theatre
(Featuring all of Flood)
Washington, DC Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Bassnuggies Bdluejay Cf20936 CoreyFoister Dave1dmarx Disinvited Guest Fractalworm Its-a Mi-a Joltman Markmeadows Minimumwage Selfcallednowhere Thatbluething

2022-12-18 Rams Head Live
(Featuring all of Flood)
Baltimore, MD Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: "M-" ArrogantOriole Dergos FezzikMcGuffin IlSoupylI Itscharleyb Jesspieceface Jokah MajinTrunkz Minimumwage Number1pinkalbumenjoyer Selfcallednowhere Sleepingintheflowers Stellub TDK

2022-12-30 The Strand Theatre Providence, RI Attendance (19) 19 wikians attended: Automatedplayer Distantantenna FantasticMrSocks Ferreteers Ggerrietts Harrycalder Hopelessbleakdespair Kayakcup Lange17 Mr. 77 NeatStringer Oliveirach RecipeForDisaster Redheadedsnippet Riptor3000 Rygaud Sandyjoys Supervisedihitmyhead TomInBoston

2022-12-31 College Street Music Hall New Haven, CT Attendance (39) 39 wikians attended: Apostrophe T BlindGuy BlueCanary Buddygiants CapitalQ Chriscam84 Chriscost0318 Dave1dmarx Dinnercereal Eat67 Ferreteers Garybot Ggerrietts Harrycalder Herroyalflyness Hopelessbleakdespair Jadasse James.K.Folk Jane is your Vietnam KathyK Kayakcup Long Tall Kevin Minimumwage NeatStringer Oliveirach Pugley Rsreale Sapphirebullets SkyeGalaxia SubliminalJK The thing TimMierz TomInBoston VerticalPi Vi Vidiot Vvedge Wifflefurby Wireless mike


Shows that were originally scheduled between mid-March and October of 2020 were postponed multiple times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, shows scheduled for June 2022 were further postponed after John Flansburgh was injured in a vehicular collision on the way home from the June 8, 2022 show (the first TMBG concert since 2020).

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