
From This Might Be A Wiki
Shows of 2011 | 2011 in TMBG history | Songs of 2011

Date   Venue City Attendance
2011-04-27 Littlefield
(The Talent Show; one song appearance)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: BlueCanary Garybot Johnreale Richegreen Rsreale Surveysez Tsyndrome

2011-05-29 Every Family Rocks
(Family show)
Des Moines, IA Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Jeanjayhawk RLJohYouDid Schmenny

2011-06-11 Luminato Festival
(Family show)
Toronto, ON Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: 3j0hn Bee BlueCanary Chiaro Ezgz81 Ferreteers Garybot Jkgottli Johnreale Kategottli Koshka42 Micah Mutantlog Notmybday Rsreale Shuda7 Son of Bumpy

2011-07-15 Koko London, UK Attendance (33) 33 wikians attended: Babyboom Bettylou Blitzente Cla Dazlar Deggsie Dr Raygun Ferret Forcompletelydifferent Gausie Ianm Jmyoung Markhiggins Mehdiface MooseBlaster Mrtuck Nuttyxander Paulfixter Readbooks Rev lovejoy Richyjohn RLJohYouDid Rumbletumpkin Rux Skenttaylor Steinbeck StrayToaster Tdlicrfth1471 Thomoli Tilf UlyssesSGrant Vickydacre Wireless mike

2011-07-16 Obelisk Arena
(Latitude Festival)
Southwold, UK Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Richyjohn Spt

2011-07-20 Apple Store
(Apple Store SoHo)
New York, NY Attendance (24) 24 wikians attended: Apollo BlueCanary CapitalQ Ferreteers Frodolives Garybot Houseofmayors Johnreale KathyK Kevin713 Kirkpear Lekker Mister Charisma Pandaman Pith Richegreen Rsreale Sleestakcanary Surveysez TDK The Cap'm Tsyndrome Vvedge Wompedy

2011-07-21 Apple Store Boston, MA Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: BlueCanary Catspajamas Crovaxthecrazy Garybot Ggerrietts Lekker NeatStringer SoreThumb Staffman Twp Vvedge

2011-07-28a NPR Washington, DC Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2011-07-28b Chameleon Club Lancaster, PA Attendance (24) 24 wikians attended: Altermanncam Beanboy89 BeanGirl Beanmom Bells12 BlueCanary Bluecojiro Corndog1371 Druclotwo Duke33 Frodolives Garybot Goldie1028 Johncbowerman Jokah Joltman Kayakcup Mkpiano Mr. 77 My1973vw Rsreale TDK Thruthosetrees WizTermy

2011-07-29 Williamsburg Waterfront Brooklyn, NY Attendance (59) 59 wikians attended: BlueCanary Bonkle88 Corey Craighecht Cubeclub Dairhenien Discardedfolderol Doktorworm Drworm75 Drypaintsigns Ezgz81 Ferreteers Flmumb Frodolives Garybot Houseofmayors Imightbeduede J-Gatz James.K.Folk JasonDeLima Jessasong Johnreale KathyK Kevin713 Kirkpear Labsicles Lekker Martycordova23 Maxemaze MikeHollywood Mind flux Mister Charisma Mistercpf Museumofidiots Nulldogmas Pitch Pith Poutinstereo Rabidchild Ramsobot Richegreen Rockmarooned Rsreale Shaneoffools Skullivan Sleestakcanary Slightlyoffaxis Surveysez TDK The Cap'm The Silver Chauffeur TinHershey Tmbgdanfan TomF Tsyndrome Tvman Umbflm Vvedge Wompedy

2011-07-30 The Stone Pony Asbury Park, NJ Attendance (40) 40 wikians attended: 2bitmonkey Absolutemotion Antgeth Bells12 BlueCanary Buzzchuck CapitalQ Chiweforkgun Corey Discardedfolderol Dr Worm Druclotwo Ferreteers Frodolives Garybot Goldie1028 I am a Sax Player Implode on Impact Inturnaround Izzy Palindrome Izzy JasonDeLima Johnreale KathyK Kayakcup Kevin Labsicles Lekker Me-got-kicked Oddjob Pith Poutinstereo RCAugust Rsreale Sensurround29 SteveMilks TDK ThatRedEchidna The Cap'm Vvedge WitheredHope

2011-08-02 Shedd Aquarium
(Invitation-only show for WXRT VIPs)
Chicago, IL Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: Spejampar

2011-09-08 Toad's Place New Haven, CT Attendance (18) 18 wikians attended: BlueCanary Cam rock Chiweforkgun Frodolives Garybot James.K.Folk Johnreale KathyK Kayakcup LeeSteel Mongoose Overjoy Pugley Rsreale Sbr117 TDK TimMierz Wetreplies

2011-09-09 Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center Great Barrington, MA Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: Abcdefghi76543 BlueCanary Dr. LG Frodolives Garybot Harrycalder Hoffmanbike KathyK Malsbury Mark Wing Mr sax SteveMilks TDK Vinylboy20 WitheredHope

2011-09-10 Capitol Center For The Arts Concord, NH Attendance (20) 20 wikians attended: Akatimo BlueCanary Bumbles617 Frodolives Garybot Grabbo Hyperfine KathyK Kethera Kevin MetalDetector MrBig Nerdy4ever95 Riptor3000 Sleestak SteveMilks TDK TMBG FOREVER Up the Library Steps WitheredHope

2011-09-11 Upper Valley Events Center Norwich, VT Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Billsimmon BlueCanary Flameshadow117 Frodolives Garybot Hot Cha Jsh357 KathyK MrsTrain TDK

2011-09-13 The State Theatre Ithaca, NY Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Adresa BlueCanary Derek Denim Garybot Haskello Jbob366 Pitch SgtFloydPepper Wyvernxk7

2011-09-14 Byham Theater Pittsburgh, PA Attendance (18) 18 wikians attended: Adamspektor Aquatopia Artmonkeygirl BlueCanary FeatherMaze Garybot James.K.Folk Jerkstorecalling King of rock Kman510 LitMatch Mkpiano Pandaman Poutinstereo Rulerofmars Squirrelgirl Tommyd1030 You&Me!!

2011-09-15a WBER Studios Rochester, NY Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: Vernicus

2011-09-15b Harro East Ballroom Rochester, NY Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: BlueCanary Garybot JesseS Jogle Kategottli Mink Car Qalthos Rochnycsc Sashwap Thruthosetrees Vernicus WhatIsThatThing Zenith

2011-09-16 Beachland Ballroom Cleveland, OH Attendance (16) 16 wikians attended: Adamspektor Aliarose BlueCanary BobpalindromeBob Buschap Captain Supercool Cloisonné ConnoisaurusRex Curiosite Ehsteve14 Garybot High5Man J-Gatz James.K.Folk Kman510 Valerie

2011-09-17 Majestic Theater Detroit, MI Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: 3j0hn Chiaro Culby Ganna Geeko55 Kinghawthorn Mattgcn RLJohYouDid Sturdley Swamp Totz the Plaid Tproa

2011-09-18 The Intersection Grand Rapids, MI Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Artmonkeygirl Francisco Ganna Hoskie Mattyboy Musikmadchen RLJohYouDid Xannie

2011-09-20 Southgate House Newport, KY Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Artmonkeygirl BobpalindromeBob Chasing my Tail CoreyFoister Freakflag Mizary Mosesofthecows SnakeintheGround Thevince Tisher Westont17

2011-09-21 Harbor Lawn
(WFPK Waterfront Wednesday Show)
Louisville, KY Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Barmonkey Dehodson Evillincoln Freakflag IMBDave RLJohYouDid SnakeintheGround Thevince Thirtysilver Tisher

2011-09-22 The Vogue
(Dan Miller not present)
Indianapolis, IN Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Freakflag Graywest IMBDave Indieme James.K.Folk JasonT KingAC Marjamon Msickafoose Ovenmitt RLJohYouDid Shnizzedy SnakeintheGround

2011-09-23 Vic Theatre
(Dan Miller not present)
Chicago, IL Attendance (36) 36 wikians attended: Apeiken Beatle Vette Biffbobsen BlueCanary Briguyd Disgruntledninja Dr. Worm the 3rd Epros Flmumb Freakflag Ganna Garybot Idlewild INeedACrane Jadeybeans James.K.Folk Jdcooldude Jonasd KristenDee Lekker LouRocco Mr.Xcitement Musikmadchen Paradoxicalwaffles Raydavies Recycleonly SnakeintheGround Spejampar SpiffSupreme T-boi Tedadore2 TheSpoonyBard Thunderbird Tisher Umbflm Zander

2011-09-24 The Pageant
(Dan Miller not present)
St. Louis, MO Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: Areyoumyana Barmonkey Beatle Vette Beer Gynt Chaddmaythis Discordanian Jerrybushman Kdern Moe.bush PezJunkie Pfetters SubliminalJK Thenowhereman Woodsie22

2011-09-27 Cannery Ballroom
(Dan Miller not present)
Nashville, TN Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Bashful223 BlueCanary Garybot Muaddib RyRy Snapadoo Weirdojace

2011-09-28a WPEK Studios Fairview, NC Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2011-09-28b The Orange Peel
(Dan Miller not present)
Asheville, NC Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: BlueCanary Ciaoies Culled Gamefreakdano Garybot Kholdstare89 PierrotSomepeople Ringo6624 Stephonicle Suavepeanut Syzslak

2011-09-29 The National
(Dan Miller returns)
Richmond, VA Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: BlueCanary Cubmaster938 Garybot Kford13 Markmeadows Mrludwigva RipRitchie Rossum

2011-09-30a WBUR Studios Boston, MA Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2011-09-30b TLA Philadelphia, PA Attendance (38) 38 wikians attended: Apollo Arbitropia BeanGirl Beanmom Bells12 BlueCanary Chillpower Corndog1371 Curiosite DarKrow Druclotwo Ferreteers Frodolives Garybot Goldie1028 Johnreale KathyK Kayakcup Ladognome Lekker LolaGeek Micahmj11 Mkpiano Mlith35 Pacdude PhillyCrow RLJohYouDid Rossum Rsreale Shepritz Sullenmoon TDK Tenderfoot Tvman Vvedge WizTermy Yomoneyboat Zondry

2011-10-01a Berklee Performance Center
(A-M theme show)
Boston, MA Attendance (33) 33 wikians attended: Augie Benjamminash BlueCanary DaringMudskipper Discardedfolderol Farmanimalsrock Ferreteers Frodolives Garybot Implode on Impact James.K.Folk Jayrocker Johnreale KathyK Kethera Leebenningfield Lekker Lunarstr42 Martycordova23 RecipeForDisaster RonAmoriM Rosefox Rsreale Sandyjoys SoreThumb Staffman SteveMilks Surveysez TDK Unknownthingamabob Vvedge WitheredHope Zog

2011-10-01b Berklee Performance Center
(N-Z theme show)
Boston, MA Attendance (31) 31 wikians attended: Augie Benjamminash BlueCanary DaringMudskipper Discardedfolderol Farmanimalsrock Ferreteers Frodolives Garybot Implode on Impact James.K.Folk Jayrocker Johnreale KathyK Kethera Leebenningfield Lekker Martycordova23 Miss maxine RecipeForDisaster Redheadedsnippet Rightsaiddave RonAmoriM Rsreale Sandyjoys SoreThumb SteveMilks Surveysez TDK Vvedge WitheredHope

2011-10-28a WMSE Studios Milwaukee, WI Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2011-10-28b Pabst Theater Milwaukee, WI Attendance (16) 16 wikians attended: Beer Gynt BlueCanary Esjaygee Favrite FoF404 Garybot KristenDee Minrice2099 Mttrader Mungo32 NoodleGuy Onikoroshi Ripner Rsreale Tisher Tom117

2011-10-29 First Avenue Minneapolis, MN Attendance (18) 18 wikians attended: Beatle Vette Bec BlueCanary Bowser724 Dialsforme Garybot Inky Joelindell LouRocco Marydan Nobod E Reynoldbot Roogba Rsreale Totesawesome Weirdalover WhatIsThatThing X-modem

2011-10-30 Englert Theatre Iowa City, IA Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Afterward BlindGuy BlueCanary Garybot Paradoxicalwaffles Particleman The stolker TMBGdotLOVE

2011-11-01 Slowdown Omaha, NE Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Bangs Jolkow Tgies

2011-11-02 Beaumont Club Kansas City, MO Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Areyoumyana Lelegion Pfetters

2011-11-03 Boulder Theater
(Featuring full performance of Flood)
Boulder, CO Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Einarfour FatahRuark FluffySciKitten Invader quirk Mammal RLJohYouDid This Microphone Tregenle Uzzah

2011-11-04a KENZ Studios Salt Lake City, UT Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2011-11-04b The Depot Salt Lake City, UT Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Bigdondoo Chaddd Darboe Drew Maletero Mbarlowm Mrb8s RLJohYouDid Stevenaaron Zomnker

2011-11-05 Knitting Factory Boise, ID Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: N8dawg RLJohYouDid

2011-11-06 Knitting Factory Spokane, WA Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: EverAnymore Selfcallednowhere Senorpic

2011-11-08 Venue
(Featuring full performance of Flood)
Vancouver, BC Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Chuk Cornchops Lithium junkie Mizzle51 No Mo Quixote23 Swagar Theducks

2011-11-09a KEXP Studios Seattle, WA Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2011-11-09b Showbox SoDo Seattle, WA Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: Bonkava Catpuppet Cornchops Dank Czar Davidly Fitch Jadine Joe Rollerfan Lithium junkie Magicalcrawdad Miniwombat Mrhorrible78 Prevenger Selfcallednowhere Super Martyo Brother TODCRA Zeppyfish

2011-11-10 Crystal Ballroom Portland, OR Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Antgeth Cowtown John-311 Kilana Linksworth Nascarbean 97 Raven Selfcallednowhere Sharicn Triteamdan Veggieman

2011-11-11 Van Duzer Theatre Arcata, CA Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: RLJohYouDid

2011-11-12 The Fillmore San Francisco, CA Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: Aceyyy Alicelove Aliste Bakabaka Brian miller Cheshire monkey Covenant DominEl JMightBeGiants Kerimaus My Insatiable One OhsnapitsKat Plantpowered RLJohYouDid TheAmazombie TinyTinyDoctors Warhammer Of Zillyhoo

2011-11-13a Amoeba Music San Francisco, CA Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Aceyyy Aliste Covenant DominEl Hurryupmode My Insatiable One OhsnapitsKat TheAmazombie Warhammer Of Zillyhoo

2011-11-13b The Fillmore
(Featuring full performance of Flood)
San Francisco, CA Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Aliste Andersonic1970 Brian miller Covenant Dgursom DominEl Eviltikimonkey Gene Warren Kerimaus Lexpierce My Insatiable One Pulletsforever ToastedWoobie

2011-11-15 Amoeba Music Hollywood, CA Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Arben Eviltikimonkey FrankEinstein Garit MikeHollywood MrBlame My Insatiable One The Vanishing Dot Wally Brando Yankamerica

2011-11-16 House of Blues Anaheim, CA Attendance (24) 24 wikians attended: Arben Captaincaustic DistopioSmashedtobits EclecticDean Eviltikimonkey Ezamor Friendbone Ghstpg Gwiffon HectorR Homestar Golfer Kerimaus LadsGal Mc Frown McBob MikeHollywood MrBlame My Insatiable One Rabidchild1 RLJohYouDid The Vanishing Dot Tweedt Wally Brando Yankamerica

2011-11-17 Belly Up Solana Beach, CA Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: Brocktune Captaincaustic Da3ve Eviltikimonkey Eyetalic Glod MikeHollywood My Insatiable One Nolly RLJohYouDid Slick Venusenv

2011-11-25 Wolf Den at Mohegan Sun
(Lincoln theme show)
Uncasville, CT Attendance (32) 32 wikians attended: Adamspektor BlueCanary Bonkle88 CapitalQ Chi Meson Discardedfolderol Doktorworm Edeadguy Ferreteers Funatic Garybot Harringtonj85 Harrycalder I'veGotAFang J-Gatz Ja9novak Johnreale KathyK Kayakcup KBear27 Kevin713 LeeSteel Lekker Perlotk Rsreale Sandyjoys The Cap'm TimMierz Torgo Vdaq WizTermy Younghickory

2011-11-26 9:30 Club
(Lincoln theme show)
Washington, DC Attendance (23) 23 wikians attended: BeanGirl Bells12 Benthorot Corndog1371 Cubmaster938 Ferreteers Goldie1028 Himynameism Indie Cysion Johnreale Kford13 Lekker Lorinofevil Meiran Miss maxine Mrludwigva Piels Poutinstereo Redheadedsnippet Rsreale Vvedge Zaph ZenoP

2011-12-08 Peter Jay Sharp Theatre
(Latkes and Hams: A Benefit for 826NYC)
New York, NY Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: BlueCanary Ferreteers Johnreale MikeHollywood Mind flux Rsreale Surveysez TDK Vvedge

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