
From This Might Be A Wiki
Shows of 2014 | 2014 in TMBG history | Songs of 2014

Date   Venue City Attendance
2014-04-26a Walter E. Washington Convention Center
(USA Science and Engineering Festival; Family show)
Washington, DC Attendance (22) 22 wikians attended: Bells12 BlueCanary Christob Flansfan Indie Cysion Johnreale Joltman Kayakcup MajikCaesar Markmeadows Meiran MidoFS MinimumWage Mrludwigva Octoflange Rossum Rsreale Singrdave TDK Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike

2014-04-26b Walter E. Washington Convention Center
(USA Science and Engineering Festival)
Washington, DC Attendance (24) 24 wikians attended: AirCon Bells12 BlueCanary Christob Flansfan Indie Cysion Johnreale Joltman Kayakcup LolaGeek MajikCaesar Markmeadows Meiran MidoFS MinimumWage Mrludwigva Octoflange Rossum Rsreale Singrdave TDK Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike

2014-06-06 BAM Howard Gilman Opera House
(Ask Me Another radio show taping)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: Abcdefghi76543 Benjamminash BlueCanary Craighecht Houseofmayors Johnreale Kayakcup Lungfisk Museumofidiots Richegreen Rsreale Sirjoshjoseph Tvman Vvedge

2014-10-17 Wolf Den at Mohegan Sun
(Annual audience appreciation show)
Uncasville, CT Attendance (29) 29 wikians attended: Akatimo Apostrophe T Bells12 BlueCanary Bonkle88 Chi Meson Chiweforkgun Corndog1371 DaringMudskipper Discardedfolderol Edeadguy FallenOutWithMyHead Ferreteers FezzikMcGuffin Flameshadow117 Harrycalder Houseofmayors Indie Cysion JasonDeLima KathyK Mongoose Poopship destroyer Poutinstereo Richegreen Rsreale TDK The Cap'm TimMierz Vvedge

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