
From This Might Be A Wiki
Shows of 2016 | 2016 in TMBG history | Songs of 2016

Date   Venue City Attendance
2016-01-01 Music Hall of Williamsburg
(Featuring the full performance of Flood)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (24) 24 wikians attended: Areyoumyana BlueCanary CapitalQ Craighecht Derek Denim ElfLady Ferreteers Houseofmayors Indie Cysion Jams Joe Rollerfan Kayakcup Mister Charisma Mrludwigva RLJohYouDid Stevenaaron TDK ThingintheBassSax Tisher Tmbgdanfan Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike Wompedy

2016-01-02 Music Hall of Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY Attendance (32) 32 wikians attended: Areyoumyana Bells12 BlueCanary Bvon44 CapitalQ Craighecht Dave1dmarx Derek Denim Deysian Ferreteers HeyErikLeafinson Houseofmayors Indie Cysion J2 Jams Joe Rollerfan KathyK Kayakcup Mister Charisma Mrludwigva Rsreale Stevenaaron TDK Teddyleevin Tisher Tmbgdanfan Tmbotg Tvman Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike Xzolen

2016-01-27 Brudenell Social Club Leeds, UK Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Astralbee Dr John Oakland Jammy4312 Paulfixter SnailShell

2016-01-28 Riverside Newcastle, UK Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: RLJohYouDid Steinbeck Whiscash

2016-01-30 Limelight Belfast, UK Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2016-01-31a O2 ABC
(Family show)
Glasgow, UK Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Paulfixter RLJohYouDid

2016-01-31b O2 ABC Glasgow, UK Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Astralbee Obriensville PurpleToupee37

2016-02-01 Manchester Academy 2 Manchester, UK Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Astralbee HenriekeG JIsFor Paulfixter Petertheungreat Stuart Bridge

2016-02-03 Cambridge Junction Cambridge, UK Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Andermt Dr Raygun GerwinK Hempsteadtowers Podders Richyjohn Skenttaylor Unpronounceable YYZ

2016-02-04 Electric Ballroom London, UK Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: CraneWife Dazlar Dr Raygun Fossilizer Hideous MBHenson Nuttyxander Richgrey Richyjohn ThatOneFatLesbian TheGreekGuy Thomoli Tilf Timahall Vnlcan Wirriams ZofiaBlacktea

2016-03-17 Rams Head Live Baltimore, MD Attendance (22) 22 wikians attended: ArrogantOriole Beanboy89 Bells12 BlueCanary CapitalQ Corndog1371 Dante Erdomi Ferreteers Herroyalflyness Indie Cysion Joltman Mattso37 Mdith Minimumwage Mongoose Nixonismyhero Rossum Rsreale TDK ThingintheBassSax Vvedge

2016-03-18 Madison Theater Covington, KY Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: BlueCanary Chasing my Tail CoreyFoister Disinvited Guest Duende Freakflag Herroyalflyness Indie Cysion LitMatch Macheensout Mosesofthecows Scarlet Swordfish Tcp Thevince

2016-03-19 Turner Hall Ballroom Milwaukee, WI Attendance (18) 18 wikians attended: Admwrlk Ambernezzie BigEdgarP Cheeto Dicebourbon Disinvited Guest Duende Epros Esjaygee Favrite FoF404 Ganna Herroyalflyness LouRocco Mttrader Tedadore2 Tmbgdanfan Tom117

2016-03-20 Vic Theatre
(Family show)
Chicago, IL Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: BobpalindromeBob Disinvited Guest Herroyalflyness Istanbul Jonasd LouRocco MrXcitement Nbx909 Neimah RLJohYouDid Spejampar T-boi

2016-03-22 Slowdown Omaha, NE Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Areyoumyana Cpm4001 Glitchhiker Herroyalflyness Jackathan Jolkow Matt Osborn Pfetters Tgies Thruthosetrees

2016-03-26 El Rey Los Angeles, CA Attendance (21) 21 wikians attended: Arben Atrus Brian miller DistopioSmashedtobits Exit12 FallenOutWithMyHead Fouroftwo Garit Kerimaus Kevin713 LadsGal My Insatiable One Ovenmitt ProphetM Rabidchild1 Radjose Stevenaaron The Bear Trainman Wally Brando Yankamerica

2016-03-27 Belly Up Solana Beach, CA Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: Aceyyy Created A Madman DistopioSmashedtobits FallenOutWithMyHead Kakenrip Kerimaus Kevin713 Kishona LadsGal My Insatiable One Ovenmitt Stevenaaron

2016-03-29 Rialto Theatre Tucson, AZ Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: IMBKFL Kakenrip Letternotaletter OneRedApple RC

2016-03-31 Stubb's
(Featuring the full performance of Flood)
Austin, TX Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: BlueCanary Breadhair CyclopsBudgie Mistercpf Ratalope Scottscottscott Stillonit Thestrasburg Twitchingmonkey Wyvernxk7

2016-04-01 Warehouse Live
(Featuring the full performance of Flood)
Houston, TX Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: ACupOfCoffee BlueCanary Cabiria Handment Jimd1981 Justabaldguy Twitchingmonkey

2016-04-02 House of Blues New Orleans, LA Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: 2cat007 Bashful223 BlueCanary Minerwerks Nosaj56

2016-04-03 Vinyl Music Hall Pensacola, FL Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Bashful223 Beeswax49

2016-04-05 State Theatre St. Petersburg, FL Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: G Jfailes Jlavezzo Minerwerks Oliveirach TDK

2016-04-06 Beacham Theater Orlando, FL Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Ames CJSF Doktorworm Eitingon Minerwerks MisterMe Oliveirach Parimer Ripner RogueLeader SenSurroun TDK Vwfreak42

2016-04-07 The Orange Peel Asheville, NC Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Ciaoies JJRRutgers Syzslak TDK Tiggus

2016-04-08 Variety Playhouse Atlanta, GA Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: Bangs Bluemoon Deedum Ghhhk Join Us! Lange17 Nerakulous Obsessical Older Still Sixtyeightstate StudioBueno TDK TiltingThings TMBGMoney TrunkleBob Undabite Weirdojace

2016-04-09 Cat's Cradle Carrboro, NC Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Disinvited Guest MajinTrunkz Suavepeanut Sullenmoon Valerie

2016-04-10 TLA Philadelphia, PA Attendance (40) 40 wikians attended: Ajon Beanmom Bells12 BlueCanary CapitalQ Chillpower Chimpoozle ChrissMari Corndog1371 Dante Disinvited Guest Dr-worm Eee Ferreteers FriendlyLocalGeek Goldie1028 Greatquux GrizonII Houseofmayors Indie Cysion James.K.Folk Jams Jokah Kayakcup Kevin Lammyjam LolaGeek MartyBellerMask Micahmj11 Mr. 77 PhillyCrow RLJohYouDid RonAmoriM Rsreale Slowly Twisting TDK Tmbgdanfan Vvedge Waymu Yomoneyboat

2016-04-16a Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: Bells12 BlueCanary Cunea Indie Cysion Jlavezzo Joltman Kford13 Markmeadows MidoFS Octoflange Redheadedsnippet RLJohYouDid Sargon Singrdave Theorchidpool Vvedge Waymu

2016-04-16b Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: Bells12 BlueCanary Cunea Duke33 Indie Cysion Joltman Kford13 Markmeadows MidoFS Minimumwage Octoflange Sargon Singrdave Vvedge Waymu

2016-06-28 Hilton Midtown Hotel
(MongoDB World conference)
New York, NY Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2016-07-20 The Ogden Theatre Denver, CO Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Einarfour Entropy FluffySciKitten Letternotaletter Lotswife MyPlan Ovenmitt This Microphone

2016-07-21 The Fillmore
(Featuring full performance of Apollo 18)
San Francisco, CA Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: Aceyyy Andersonic1970 Brian miller DominEl Hazzenkockle Kishona Ovenmitt Selfcallednowhere TDK The Vanishing Dot ToastedWoobie Wireless mike

2016-07-22 The UC Theatre Berkeley, CA Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: Aceyyy Andersonic1970 Deanna DominEl Freezestar Hazzenkockle Hurryupmode Kishona Ovenmitt Selfcallednowhere TDK Thedocwat Wireless mike Zyll

2016-11-26 Wolf Den at Mohegan Sun
(10th Annual Audience Appreciation Show)
Uncasville, CT Attendance (23) 23 wikians attended: Apostrophe T BlueCanary CapitalQ Edeadguy Eee Funatic Garybot Ggerrietts Harrycalder Ja9novak Kayakcup Mongoose NeatStringer Overjoy Poopship destroyer Rsreale TDK The nicest of the damned Thetallestjew TimMierz TomInBoston Vvedge Wireless mike

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