
From This Might Be A Wiki
Shows of 2020 | 2020 in TMBG history | Songs of 2020

Date Venue City Attendance
2020-01-10 Daryl's House Club
(30th Anniversary Flood Show)
Pawling, NY Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: CapitalQ Craighecht Dave1dmarx KathyK Minimumwage Mongoose Oliveirach Predator Ranger Richyjohn Sonyar TDK Vvedge Wireless mike

2020-01-11 Bowery Ballroom
(30th Anniversary Flood Show)
New York, NY Attendance (25) 25 wikians attended: Annadacanada BlueCanary Brianwlevine CapitalQ Corey Craighecht Dave1dmarx Doktorworm Hopelessbleakdespair Indie Cysion KathyK Mister Charisma Nulldogmas Oliveirach Richegreen Richyjohn Rightsaiddave Rossum Skullivan Teddyleevin Tmbgdanfan Tmbotg Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike

2020-02-06 College Street Music Hall
(30th Anniversary Flood Show)
New Haven, CT Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: CapitalQ Dirt Ggerrietts Gorlami? Harrycalder KathyK Malsbury NeatStringer Overjoy Pugley Selfcallednowhere Staffman TomInBoston Vidiot Vvedge Vwfreak42

2020-02-07 Columbus Theatre
(30th Anniversary Flood Show)
Providence, RI Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Edeadguy Eee Funatic Ggerrietts NeatStringer RecipeForDisaster Redheadedsnippet Rygaud Sandyjoys Selfcallednowhere SRMX12 Vvedge

2020-02-08 Bowery Ballroom
(30th Anniversary Flood Show)
New York, NY Attendance (24) 24 wikians attended: BlueCanary Brianwlevine CapitalQ Craighecht Discardedfolderol Ferreteers Indie Cysion KathyK Kevin713 Mister Charisma Museumofidiots Oddjob Ramsobot Rockmarooned Rosefox Selfcallednowhere Slightlyoffaxis TDK Teddyleevin Thatbluething Vvedge Waymu Willie Wireless mike

2020-03-05 Pabst Theater
(30th Anniversary Flood Show)
Milwaukee, WI Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Disinvited Guest Epros FoF404 Ganna Jadeybeans LouRocco PetertheTMBGfan Tom117 Velveteen

2020-03-06 Vic Theatre
(30th Anniversary Flood Show)
Chicago, IL Attendance (22) 22 wikians attended: Admwrlk Apb134 Beer Gynt BlindGuy Bosonman Corruptedgem D-SAR Disinvited Guest DoctorCadoo Ganna Hoyden42 Jadeybeans Jonasd LouRocco Lowqualitygravy Mintakamoth Mrsbluebeard Pfetters Tedadore2 Thunderbird Wbrimley Zander

2020-03-07 Aon Grand Ballroom
(Geek Bowl XIV)
Chicago, IL Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Indie Cysion Mrsbluebeard Obsessical Vidiot

2020-03-08 Majestic Theater
(30th Anniversary Flood Show)
Detroit, MI Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Disinvited Guest Epros Ganna Jadeybeans Skullpants Tedadore2 Twiceremovedfan Twoshoes WhereYourEyesDontGo

2020-03-09 Majestic Theater
(30th Anniversary Flood Show)
Detroit, MI Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Dabutcher Disinvited Guest Droffats


Shows originally scheduled between mid-March and October of 2020 were postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and took place in 2022 and 2023.

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