
From This Might Be A Wiki
Shows of 2013 | 2013 in TMBG history | Songs of 2013

Date Venue City Attendance
2013-01-28 Walt Disney World Dolphin Orlando, FL Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: RLJohYouDid

2013-02-25 WNYC Studios New York, NY Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2013-02-27 Port City Music Hall Portland, ME Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: BlueCanary Chriscam84 Djcomfyfroggywitch Johnreale Rourke YoungWilliam

2013-02-28 Higher Ground South Burlington, VT Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: BlueCanary Flameshadow117 Johnreale Kevin Maxemaze Nerdy4ever95 Timothymh

2013-03-01 The German House Rochester, NY Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: BlueCanary Derek Denim EmmyFish Graceomallet JesseS Johnreale Kburgan Kentdigimon Mink Car MrsTrain Qalthos Rochnycsc Sashwap Thruthosetrees WhatIsThatThing Wyvernxk7 Zakkajj

2013-03-02 Newport Music Hall Columbus, OH Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: AmyJ Chasing my Tail Dehodson Freakflag Gistheman22 Jerkstorecalling Kman510 Nickpage Pygmoid Raanve RLJohYouDid Tcp Thruthosetrees

2013-03-03 Madison Theater Covington, KY Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Biffbobsen CoreyFoister Evillincoln Freakflag Marjamon Mizary Mosesofthecows Rheimbro The Color Of Infinity Thevince Thruthosetrees

2013-03-05 Headliners Music Hall Louisville, KY Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Freakflag Thevince Thirtysilver

2013-03-06 Cannery Ballroom Nashville, TN Attendance (4) 4 wikians attended: Muaddib RLJohYouDid RyRy Weirdojace

2013-03-07 Workplay Theatre Birmingham, AL Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Dietspritezero Geekqueen Sixtyeightstate StudioBueno Vazco64

2013-03-08 House of Blues New Orleans, LA Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Bashful223 Cloneofme DrBones Fijiwriter Nosaj56

2013-03-09 House of Blues Houston, TX Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: ACupOfCoffee Justabaldguy Justnobody Nehushtan Nosaj56 Pants catalog ProfoundlyPaige Selfcallednowhere Sparkling omelets Twitchingmonkey

2013-03-10 John T. Floore Country Store Helotes, TX Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Amberdew Entropy Mistercpf Nosaj56 Selfcallednowhere Stillonit Torgo

2013-03-12 House of Blues Dallas, TX Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Aububuh Breadhair Cstillo DidgeGuy Greychr Handment HeMightBeMike JoeMcDuck Selfcallednowhere Simnacher Trilliongrams

2013-03-13 Cain's Ballroom Tulsa, OK Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Arachnid flame Areyoumyana Jeppster Overjoy Paradoxicles Selfcallednowhere SubliminalJK

2013-03-14 The Blue Note Columbia, MO Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Areyoumyana BlueCanary SubliminalJK

2013-03-15a KDHX St. Louis, MO Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2013-03-15 The Pageant St. Louis, MO Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Areyoumyana BlindGuy BlueCanary Bpdave34 Jerrybushman Moe.bush SubliminalJK Woodsie22

2013-03-16 Vic Theatre Chicago, IL Attendance (23) 23 wikians attended: Apeiken Beer Gynt BlueCanary Freakflag Ganna Idlewild INeedACrane Jdcooldude Jonasd KristenDee LouRocco Matrixwipe ModernIdiot Mr.Xcitement MrXcitement Musikmadchen Raydavies Silver Chauffeur SpiffSupreme T-boi Tedadore2 Tisher Urine Man

2013-03-17 Beachland Ballroom Cleveland, OH Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: Agentstinky BlueCanary BobpalindromeBob Captain Supercool ConnoisaurusRex Curiosite Ehsteve14 J-Gatz Kman510 Sirubberduckie Theorchidpool Valerie

2013-03-19 Majestic Theater Detroit, MI Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: BlueCanary Droffats Francisco Kinghawthorn Ladychelts Sturdley Supah Swamp Zenity

2013-03-20 Mr. Smalls Theatre Millvale, PA Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Aquatopia BlueCanary BobpalindromeBob Kman510 Mkpiano TDK

2013-03-21 Tarrytown Music Hall Tarrytown, NY Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: BlueCanary Damos23 Ferreteers JasonDeLima Johnreale KathyK Rockmarooned Rsreale Slightlyoffaxis TDK Zenith Zondry

2013-03-22 The Paramount Huntington, NY Attendance (18) 18 wikians attended: BlueCanary Bonkle88 Bvon44 CapitalQ Corndog1371 Craighecht Discardedfolderol Ferreteers Jams Johnreale Leetch2 Pith Rsreale Skullivan TDK Undermentals Vvedge Waymu

2013-04-03 Paradise Rock Club
(Featuring full performance of Flood)
Boston, MA Attendance (18) 18 wikians attended: Bapslap BlueCanary Bonkle88 Dcsohl Flansfan Jacobwakeup Johnreale KathyK Kethera Leebenningfield Mongoose Plurie Poutinstereo Schindlerific SoreThumb Twosheds Unknownthingamabob WitheredHope

2013-04-04 Paradise Rock Club Boston, MA Attendance (23) 23 wikians attended: Akatimo BlueCanary Chiweforkgun Doktorworm Flansfan Ggerrietts HellHotel Jacobwakeup Johnreale Leebenningfield NeatStringer Plurie Poutinstereo RonAmoriM Rovert620 Sandyjoys Schindlerific Shadowarmy Staffman The nicest of the damned TMBG FOREVER WitheredHope Younghickory

2013-04-05a World Cafe Live
(XPN Free At Noon Performance)
Philadelphia, PA Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Bells12 BlueCanary Corndog1371 Ferreteers Goldie1028 Micahmj11 TrenchCoat Vvedge Yomoneyboat

2013-04-05b TLA Philadelphia, PA Attendance (21) 21 wikians attended: Beanmom Bells12 BlueCanary Chillpower Chimpoozle Corndog1371 Ferreteers Goldie1028 James.K.Folk Johnreale Kayakcup Micahmj11 My1973vw PhillyCrow Rsreale Shepritz Sullenmoon TDK Tvfactoryguy Vvedge Yomoneyboat

2013-04-06 Rams Head Live Baltimore, MD Attendance (24) 24 wikians attended: ArrogantOriole Beanboy89 Bells12 BlueCanary Chillpower Corndog1371 Dante Drypaintsigns Duke33 ElfLady Ferreteers FezzikMcGuffin Goldie1028 Himynameism Indie Cysion Johnreale Kayakcup Kburgan Minimumwage Mkpiano Rossum Rsreale TDK Tmbgdanfan

2013-04-07 The National Richmond, VA Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: BlueCanary Corndog1371 Cubmaster938 Duende Ferreteers Kayakcup Markmeadows Mrludwigva RipRitchie TheSkullHead

2013-04-09 Jefferson Theater
(Featuring full performance of Flood)
Charlottesville, VA Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: BlueCanary Duende Indie Cysion Jlavezzo Kayakcup Kford13 Snowballinhell7001

2013-04-10 Cat's Cradle Carrboro, NC Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: AwkwardFire BlueCanary Culled Duende Indie Cysion Suavepeanut

2013-04-11 Music Farm Charleston, SC Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Alvis BlueCanary Crosseyed Bear Indie Cysion MajinTrunkz Nosaj56 Pjcommunists Smokun TheyCallMeDrVerm Wbrimley

2013-04-12 The Orange Peel Asheville, NC Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: BlueCanary Ciaoies Duende Indie Cysion Nosaj56 Suavepeanut Syzslak

2013-04-13 Variety Playhouse Atlanta, GA Attendance (16) 16 wikians attended: Bangs BlueCanary Bryce Deedum Dietspritezero Explodingalice Hoteldetective Indie Cysion Lange17 MinkeyBoodle11 Nosaj56 Obsessical Sixtyeightstate Squin StudioBueno TrunkleBob

2013-04-14 Variety Playhouse
(Featuring full performance of Flood)
Atlanta, GA Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Bangs BlueCanary Chadtindale Dietspritezero Explodingalice Indie Cysion Lange17 Laughingacademy MinkeyBoodle11 Nosaj56 Obsessical

2013-04-16 Academy Records Annex
(Instore performance and signing)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (21) 21 wikians attended: 2bitmonkey Apollo Benjamminash BlueCanary CapitalQ Cclark Corndog1371 Craighecht Drypaintsigns Ferreteers Jams JasonDeLima Johnreale Kevin713 Laughingacademy Mkpiano Rsreale Surveysez The Silver Chauffeur Vvedge Waymu

2013-04-23 Corner Hotel Melbourne, Australia Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Ash BlaineRix Chiasmus CTA Dgm Guybrush JumbledPileOfPerson Limabeans RWS

2013-04-24 The Metro Sydney, Australia Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: Ajon Belindavh Clayton DenialTwister Elyte Jickets Katyalbny Mr Sprite Mrpulley Mrtambo RWS SimonC

2013-04-25 Upstairs Beresford
(Featuring full performance of Flood)
Sydney, Australia Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Ajon Elyte Jickets Katyalbny Mr Sprite Mrpulley Mrtambo SimonC

2013-04-26 ABC Radio National - RN Drive
(Radio appearance)
Sydney, Australia Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2013-04-27 Maitland Showground
(Groovin The Moo festival)
Maitland, Australia Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: Samvall

2013-04-28 University Of Canberra
(Groovin The Moo festival)
Canberra, Australia Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Ash Rourke

2013-05-02 Corner Hotel Melbourne, Australia Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Ash Chiasmus CTA Dgm JumbledPileOfPerson Limabeans Pat RLJohYouDid RWS

2013-05-03 Corner Hotel
(Featuring full performance of Flood)
Melbourne, Australia Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Ash BlaineRix CTA Haroldpoom JumbledPileOfPerson Limabeans Pat RWS TheAtSign

2013-05-04 Prince of Wales Showground
(Groovin The Moo festival)
Bendigo, Australia Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: CTA RWS

2013-05-05 Murray Sports Complex
(Groovin The Moo festival)
Townsville, Australia Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2013-05-07 The Zoo
(Featuring full performance of Flood)
Brisbane, Australia Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Berkeloid Bicyclelegs Clayton Langer8191 Miasg RWS Sensurround

2013-05-08 The Zoo Brisbane, Australia Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Berkeloid Bicyclelegs Langer8191 RWS Toucan Soup

2013-05-09 The Gov Adelaide, Australia Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Eskaywye JohnBrooks RWS

2013-05-10 Rosemount Perth, Australia Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: RWS

2013-05-11 Hay Park
(Groovin The Moo festival)
Bunbury, Australia Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: RLJohYouDid

2013-05-14 Wrest Point Show Room Hobart, Australia Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Purpletoupee RWS

2013-05-17 Bar Bodega Wellington, New Zealand Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Johnreale Rsreale

2013-05-18 The Studio Auckland, New Zealand Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Guero Johnreale Rsreale SpazzyMcGhee UlyssesSGrant

2013-05-30 The Vogue Indianapolis, IN Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: BlueCanary Bmichael Duende Freakflag IMBDave INeedACrane Mosesofthecows Nickpage Ovenmitt WhereYourEyesDontGo Woodsie22

2013-05-31 Turner Hall Milwaukee, WI Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: BlueCanary Cheeto Duende Epros Favrite FoF404 Ganna Idlewild Jadeybeans Mttrader Mungo32 NoodleGuy Raydavies Tisher Tom117

2013-06-01 First Avenue Minneapolis, MN Attendance (16) 16 wikians attended: 32merlins BlueCanary Bowser724 Chaddmaythis Ganna Jadeybeans Kerimaus LouRocco Madebread Marydan Onlyobsessed Pygmoid Reynoldbot TMBGdotLOVE Totesawesome WhatIsThatThing

2013-06-02 Englert Theatre Iowa City, IA Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: BlindGuy BlueCanary CCDP

2013-06-04 Wooly's
(Featuring full performance of Flood)
Des Moines, IA Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Areyoumyana BlueCanary Particleman Schmenny SubliminalJK

2013-06-05 Slowdown Omaha, NE Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Areyoumyana BlueCanary Glitchhiker Jolkow SubliminalJK Tgies

2013-06-06 Crossroads Kansas City, MO Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Areyoumyana BlueCanary Johnreale PezJunkie SubliminalJK

2013-06-07 The Ogden Theatre Denver, CO Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Einarfour FluffySciKitten Jakesmith2 RLJohYouDid Sinisterscrawl This Microphone

2013-06-08a Graywhale
(Instore performance and signing)
Salt Lake City, UT Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Ammorrise Bigdondoo Jessasong Mbarlowm Stevenaaron Theunknowable Zomnker

2013-06-08b The Depot Salt Lake City, UT Attendance (4) 4 wikians attended: Bigdondoo Mrb8s Stevenaaron Zomnker

2013-06-09a The Record Exchange
(Instore performance and signing)
Boise, ID Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: N8dawg Notarealdoctor Senorpic

2013-06-09b Egyptian Theatre
(Featuring full performance of Flood)
Boise, ID Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: N8dawg Notarealdoctor Senorpic

2013-06-11 Biltmore Cabaret Vancouver, BC Attendance (4) 4 wikians attended: Cornchops Lithium junkie Selfcallednowhere Swagar

2013-06-12 Showbox SoDo Seattle, WA Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: Antgeth ArdorOfArboreality Bonkava Catpuppet Cornchops Hoyden42 Joe Rollerfan Lithium junkie Magicalcrawdad Mrhorrible78 Notarealdoctor ParticleManMRB Selfcallednowhere Super Martyo Brother TODCRA Yourhighness Zeppyfish

2013-06-13 Crystal Ballroom Portland, OR Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: Antgeth Cowtown John-311 Kilana Nascarbean 97 Raven Rsreale Selfcallednowhere Sharicn Triteamdan Veggieman Yourhighness

2013-06-14 The Warfield San Francisco, CA Attendance (16) 16 wikians attended: Aceyyy Aliste Brian miller Covenant Deanna DominEl Eviltikimonkey JMightBeGiants Kerimaus Megalekaitrane My Insatiable One Pulletsforever Thedocwat Warhammer Of Zillyhoo Yourhighness Zephir

2013-06-15 House of Blues Anaheim, CA Attendance (29) 29 wikians attended: Barnedoodle Buttertownmayor CallMeMommyMarshmello Covenant DistopioSmashedtobits DrVblschrf Eviltikimonkey FallenOutWithMyHead Faninor Friendbone Garit Gwiffon HectorR Heyitssilver Kakenrip Kentdigimon Kerimaus LadsGal McBob My Insatiable One NintenDorky Oldpinebox Pandaman Robert m ok Rsreale The Vanishing Dot Tweedt Yankamerica Yourhighness

2013-06-16 Belly Up Solana Beach, CA Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Captaincaustic Covenant Eviltikimonkey Eyetalic HectorR Kakenrip Kerimaus My Insatiable One Pandaman Slick Wbrimley

2013-08-08 The Stone Pony Asbury Park, NJ Attendance (20) 20 wikians attended: 0dd1 2bitmonkey Apollo Bells12 BlueCanary CapitalQ Chiweforkgun Goldie1028 HeyErikLeafinson Johnreale Kayakcup Mkpiano Rsreale Sensurround29 TDK Teeth Malloy Tmbgdanfan Tmbotg Vvedge Xzolen

2013-08-09 Chameleon Club Lancaster, PA Attendance (19) 19 wikians attended: Altermanncam Beanboy89 Beanmom Bells12 BlueCanary Chimpoozle Corndog1371 Dain42 Firebert95 Goldie1028 Indie Cysion Johncbowerman Joltman Kayakcup Mkpiano Mr. Macrophone Particlematt TDK Ululu

2013-08-10 Prospect Park
(Celebrate Brooklyn)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (45) 45 wikians attended: Apollo BlueCanary Brianwlevine Bvon44 CapitalQ Cclark Christob Craighecht CurlyAndQuote Discardedfolderol Drypaintsigns Ebow Flmumb J2 Jams JasonDeLima Jbob366 Jd krug KathyK Kayakcup Kerimaus Mind flux Mister Charisma Neimah Octoflange Poutinstereo Rockmarooned Rsreale Sbr117 Slightlyoffaxis Surveysez TDK Teddyleevin Tenderfoot The Cap'm The Silver Chauffeur TinHershey Tmbgdanfan Tsyndrome Tvman Umbflm Vvedge Waymu Wompedy Zondry

2013-09-07 Penn's Landing
(WHYY Connections Festival)
Philadelphia, PA Attendance (23) 23 wikians attended: Ajmilner Altermanncam Bells12 BlueCanary Chillpower Corndog1371 Dante Drypaintsigns Ferreteers FezzikMcGuffin Inturnaround Johnreale Kayakcup Kerimaus Lammyjam Micahmj11 PhillyCrow Rsreale TDK Teeth Malloy Thelion TrenchCoat Yomoneyboat

2013-09-21 Bushnell Park
(Envisionfest Hartford)
Hartford, CT Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: BlueCanary Bonkle88 Discardedfolderol Doctor particle man FantasticMrSocks Ferreteers Flansfan Funatic I'veGotAFang Johnreale LeeSteel Mark Wing

2013-10-10 Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel Providence, RI Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: BlueCanary Doctor particle man Ferreteers Flansfan Ggerrietts Johnreale KathyK Martycordova23 Mongoose NeatStringer Poutinstereo RecipeForDisaster Rygaud TDK Twosheds

2013-10-11 World Cafe Live at The Queen Wilmington, DE Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: Beanmom Bells12 BlueCanary Corndog1371 Dante Duende Ferreteers Goldie1028 Johnreale RLJohYouDid Rsreale Suavepeanut TDK ThingintheBassSax

2013-10-12 9:30 Club Washington, DC Attendance (16) 16 wikians attended: Bells12 BlueCanary Corndog1371 Drlemon Duende Ferreteers Goldie1028 Indie Cysion Johnreale Kburgan Kford13 Minimumwage Rsreale Suavepeanut TDK Zaph

2013-10-13 Ziggy's Winston-Salem, NC Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: BlueCanary Culled Duende Ferreteers Pudge94 Suavepeanut

2013-10-15 Neighborhood Theatre Charlotte, NC Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Brnt Ciaoies Duende Goodtimes2 Indie Cysion Suavepeanut

2013-10-16 Bijou Theatre Knoxville, TN Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: Lincoln

2013-10-17 Georgia Theatre Athens, GA Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Billyfred42 Elbowswamp Explodingalice JJRRutgers MinkeyBoodle11 Obsessical Older Still Somethingtosay Tregenle

2013-10-18 Freebird Live Jacksonville, FL Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Bangs Franchescanado Gkh MrPassion Nosaj56 Slakker9 Urshanabi

2013-10-19 Orange County Convention Center
(Nerdapalooza festival)
Orlando, FL Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: CJSF HerRoyalFlyness Kaylum Nosaj56 RLJohYouDid Vwfreak42

2013-10-20 Vinyl Music Hall Pensacola, FL Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Bashful223 Beeswax49 DrBones Munstrr Nosaj56 RLJohYouDid

2013-10-22 Stubb's Austin, TX Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Breadhair Codiesmth Entropy Mistercpf Stillonit Torgo Twitchingmonkey West Xylophone Wyvernxk7

2013-10-24 Sunshine Theater Albuquerque, NM Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: BlueCanary Lotswife Sinisterscrawl

2013-10-25 Marquee Theatre Tempe, AZ Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: BlueCanary Next in Line Selfcallednowhere Stormer Venusenv Wireless mike

2013-10-26a Royce Hall
(Family show)
Los Angeles, CA Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: BlueCanary CallMeMommyMarshmello FallenOutWithMyHead Kakenrip My Insatiable One ProphetM Rsreale Selfcallednowhere Wireless mike

2013-10-26b Royce Hall
(Featuring full performance of They Might Be Giants (Album))
Los Angeles, CA Attendance (23) 23 wikians attended: Arben BlueCanary Buttass CallMeMommyMarshmello Drlemon Eyetalic FallenOutWithMyHead Friendbone Kakenrip Landudebaldman McBob My Insatiable One Ovenmitt Perspixx ProphetM Rsreale Selfcallednowhere Techierain Theloniousdump Trainman Wally Brando Wireless mike Yankamerica

2013-10-27 Rio Theatre Santa Cruz, CA Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Aliste BlueCanary Deanna DominEl Hazzenkockle Hurryupmode JMightBeGiants Kerimaus TinyTinyDoctors Tweedt Warhammer Of Zillyhoo

2013-11-01 Wolf Den at Mohegan Sun Uncasville, CT Attendance (23) 23 wikians attended: Ajon BlueCanary Bonkle88 CapitalQ Chi Meson Corndog1371 Edeadguy Ferreteers Harrycalder I'veGotAFang Indie Cysion KathyK Kayakcup LeeSteel Mrludwigva Poopship destroyer Poutinstereo Spider-Dad The Cap'm TimMierz TomInBoston Vvedge WizTermy

2013-11-02 Terminal 5
(Featuring full performance of They Might Be Giants (Album))
New York, NY Attendance (55) 55 wikians attended: Ajon Antgeth Apollo Bells12 BlueCanary Bluecojiro Bonkle88 Brianwlevine Cam rock CapitalQ Corey Craighecht DarKrow Discardedfolderol Doctor particle man Dr. LG Drypaintsigns ElfLady Ferreteers Funatic Goldie1028 Greatquux Harrycalder Houseofmayors Indie Cysion J2 Jams JasonDeLima Jbob366 Kevin713 Laughing Lyric Leetch2 Mdith Mister Charisma Museumofidiots Neimah Nulldogmas Oddjob Poutinstereo Richegreen Rosefox Shaneoffools Skullivan Surveysez TDK Teddyleevin The Cap'm Tmbotg Tsyndrome Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike Xzolen Zakkajj Zenith

2013-11-15 The Queen's Hall Edinburgh, UK Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Astralbee BlueCanary Linus Meerkatdawg Nuttyxander

2013-11-17 Limelight Belfast, UK Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: BlueCanary Chiweforkgun Timahall

2013-11-18 Vicar Street Dublin, Ireland Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: BlueCanary Diarmo PuppetToupee Ravioli221 Timahall

2013-11-19 O2 Shepherd's Bush Empire London, UK Attendance (18) 18 wikians attended: Ajon BlueCanary Cla Dazlar Dr John Oakland Dr Raygun Forcompletelydifferent Gausie Leebloke Markhiggins Mrtuck Nuttyxander Podders Rux SnailShell SpazzyMcGhee Thomoli Tilf

2013-11-20 Manchester Academy 2 Manchester, UK Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Astralbee BlueCanary Conraaa Dr John Oakland Moshnot Paulfixter Stuart Bridge Thomoli

2013-11-22 Ostsee Ferienpark Weissenhäuser Strand
(Rolling Stone Weekender Festival)
Weissenhäuser Strand, Germany Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: RLJohYouDid

2013-11-23 Astra Berlin, Germany Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Cowbell66 Fossilizer HenriekeG Linus Mdiers Michas Mikel Uns Uwe

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