
From This Might Be A Wiki
Shows of 2012 | 2012 in TMBG history | Songs of 2012

Date   Venue City Attendance
2012-01-27 Rio Theatre Santa Cruz, CA Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Aliste Andersonic1970 Grandpoohbear Hurryupmode JMightBeGiants Pulletsforever

2012-01-28a Royce Hall
(Family show)
Los Angeles, CA Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: BlueCanary Captaincaustic Davemargolis Eviltikimonkey Garit My Insatiable One Photoguy Rsreale Selfcallednowhere

2012-01-28b Royce Hall
(30th Anniversary show; Lincoln theme)
Los Angeles, CA Attendance (29) 29 wikians attended: Arben BlueCanary Buttertownmayor Captaincaustic ClaytonSChan Cronny Drlemon Eviltikimonkey Eyetalic FrankEinstein HectorR Homestar Golfer Kerimaus Mc Frown MikeHollywood Mister Charisma MrBlame My Insatiable One Perspixx Photoguy Planetfour Rabidchild1 Rsreale Selfcallednowhere The Vanishing Dot Trainman Tweedt Wally Brando Yankamerica

2012-01-29 Marquee Theatre Tempe, AZ Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Beau99 Ghstpg Kakenrip Stormer Venusenv Youlooklikeyourgrandmajustdied

2012-01-30 Rialto Theatre Tucson, AZ Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Lotswife RC Venusenv

2012-02-01 Cain's Ballroom Tulsa, OK Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Arachnid flame Areyoumyana Drpants Jeppster Paradoxicles SubliminalJK

2012-02-02 Granada Theater Dallas, TX Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: Aububuh DidgeGuy Dr worm md Greychr Handment JohnMLTX Mistercpf Mistersaturn Musikerlondon Progcode Semprini Simnacher THEcapm Trilliongrams

2012-02-03 La Zona Rosa Austin, TX Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Amberdew Breadhair Entropy JoeXmaspunk Mistercpf Oldpinebox RLJohYouDid Stillonit The Pleasure Principle Twitchingmonkey West Xylophone

2012-02-04 Tipitina's New Orleans, LA Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Bashful223 Bigdadyjosh DrBones Fijiwriter Nosaj56

2012-02-07a WMNF Studios Tampa, FL Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: Gatorflyer

2012-02-07b Ritz Ybor
(Lincoln theme)
Tampa, FL Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: CapitalQ Epeterso2 Gatorflyer Inky Jfailes Minerwerks Oliveirach

2012-02-08 Hard Rock Live Orlando, FL Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Absolutemotion Amperglyph CapitalQ CJSF Eitingon Gatorflyer HerRoyalFlyness Johnreale Kimbowie Lekker MisterMe Ripner Rsreale

2012-02-09 Ponte Vedra Concert Hall Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Ames Bangs BlueCanary Franchescanado Gkh Lekker SelfCalledNowhere Slakker9

2012-02-10 Variety Playhouse Atlanta, GA Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: Beatle Vette BlueCanary Bryce Dietspritezero Geekqueen GlerkyDestiny Lange17 Lekker MartysSoloCareer MinkeyBoodle11 Obsessical Older Still Sixtyeightstate StudioBueno

2012-02-11 Variety Playhouse
(Lincoln theme)
Atlanta, GA Attendance (19) 19 wikians attended: Beatle Vette BlueCanary Bryce Cfreemanactor Chadtindale Dietspritezero Geekqueen Kaylum Lange17 Lekker MajinTrunkz MartysSoloCareer MinkeyBoodle11 Obsessical Older Still Pjcommunists Sixtyeightstate StudioBueno Zakkajj

2012-02-12 Track 29 Chattanooga, TN Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: BlueCanary Lekker WaffleBlaster

2012-02-14 McGlohon Theatre Charlotte, NC Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: BlueCanary Brnt Chiasmus Ciaoies Duende Goodtimes2 Indie Cysion Johnreale Lekker Rsreale

2012-02-15 Lincoln Theatre Raleigh, NC Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: AwkwardFire BlueCanary Chiasmus Ciaoies Culled Duende Ferreteers Indie Cysion Johnreale Lekker Rsreale

2012-02-16a WNRN Studios Charlottesville, VA Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2012-02-16b Jefferson Theater Charlottesville, VA Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: BeanGirl BlueCanary Corndog1371 Duende Ferreteers Indie Cysion Johnreale Kford13 Lekker Mrludwigva RipRitchie Rsreale TheSkullHead Westbaymonument

2012-02-17 Rams Head Live Baltimore, MD Attendance (26) 26 wikians attended: ArrogantOriole Beanboy89 BeanGirl BlueCanary Chiasmus Corndog1371 Duke33 ElfLady Explodingalice Ferreteers FezzikMcGuffin Frodolives Himynameism Hoyden42 Indie Cysion Inturnaround Johnreale Joltman Lekker Minimumwage Mkpiano Nixonismyhero Rossum Rottenkindofcute Rsreale TDK

2012-03-08 Calvin Theatre Northampton, MA Attendance (20) 20 wikians attended: Augie BlueCanary Ferreteers Frodolives Funatic Garybot I'veGotAFang Indie Cysion Johnreale KathyK Lekker Malsbury Mark Wing Martycordova23 Mongoose Oxlahun Rsreale Sheepk TDK Torgo

2012-03-09 Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel Providence, RI Attendance (23) 23 wikians attended: Akatimo Andolfooo BlueCanary Cauliflower Chi Meson Epeterso2 Ferreteers Frodolives Hatta I'veGotAFang James.K.Folk Johnreale Kethera Lekker Mr sax Ofpurelove Poopship destroyer RecipeForDisaster Rsreale SamuelMan36 TDK The nicest of the damned Twosheds

2012-03-10 Terminal 5 New York, NY Attendance (78) 78 wikians attended: 2bitmonkey Apollo BeanGirl Bells12 Benjamminash BlueCanary Bonkle88 Brianwlevine CapitalQ Cheesegod Christob Corey Corndog1371 Discardedfolderol Doktorworm Dr. LG Drworm75 Explodingalice Ferreteers Frankievallium Frodolives HeyErikLeafinson Himynameism Houseofmayors Implode on Impact Izzy Palindrome Izzy Ja9novak James.K.Folk Jams JasonDeLima JerryTheSkids Johnreale KathyK Kayakcup Kerimaus Kevin713 Labsicles LeeSteel Leetch2 Lekker Lemita LouRocco Maxemaze MichelleMaBelle Mind flux Mister Charisma Mkpiano Mr. 77 Mr. Me Museumofidiots Neimah Oddjob Pith Poutinstereo Richegreen Rockmarooned Rsreale Scottscottscott Sg7791 Sleestakcanary Slightlyoffaxis Spike Surveysez TDK Tenderfoot The Silver Chauffeur Thruthosetrees Tmbgdanfan Tmbjared Tmbotg Tproa Tsyndrome Tvfactoryguy Tvman Vvedge Willie Xzolen Zondry

2012-04-21 Princeton Public Library
(Record Store Day performance followed by signing at Princeton Record Exchange)
Princeton, NJ Attendance (33) 33 wikians attended: Apollo Bangs BeanGirl Bells12 BlueCanary Chillpower Chiweforkgun Corndog1371 Dinnercereal Dr Worm Explodingalice Ferreteers Frankievallium Frodolives Goldie1028 HeyErikLeafinson Izzy Palindrome Izzy Jams JasonDeLima Johnreale Kayakcup Ladognome Martycordova23 Mkpiano Octoflange PhillyCrow Rsreale Shepritz Spike Sullenmoon TDK Tvfactoryguy WizTermy

2012-05-30 Upright Citizens Brigade Theater
(Live broadcast of WFMU's Seven Second Delay)
New York, NY Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: Ferreteers

2012-06-30 Fitzgerald Theater
(Wits broadcast)
St. Paul, MN Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Beatle Vette Marydan

2012-10-04 The Underdog
(Private show)
New York, NY Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2012-12-29 Music Hall of Williamsburg
(Opposite halves of Lincoln and Flood)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (38) 38 wikians attended: 2bitmonkey Benjamminash BlueCanary Bonkle88 CapitalQ Capt. ne0g Tennille Chiweforkgun Corndog1371 Craighecht Discardedfolderol Drworm75 Explodingalice Ferreteers HeyErikLeafinson Indie Cysion Johnreale KathyK Kayakcup Kevin713 Labsicles Martycordova23 Mattgcn Mister Charisma Mrludwigva Pith Rockmarooned Rsreale Selfcallednowhere Sleestakcanary Slightlyoffaxis Surveysez TDK Teddyleevin Tproa Tsyndrome Twalsh06 Vvedge Wireless mike

2012-12-30 Music Hall of Williamsburg
(Opposite halves of Lincoln and Flood)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (44) 44 wikians attended: Alexx Apollo Benjamminash BlueCanary Bonkle88 CapitalQ Chiweforkgun Corndog1371 Craighecht DaringMudskipper Discardedfolderol Drworm75 Ferreteers HeyErikLeafinson Himynameism Indie Cysion Johnreale Kayakcup Labsicles Laughingacademy Martycordova23 Mattgcn Maxemaze Mister Charisma Mkpiano Mrludwigva Neimah Pith Rockmarooned Rsreale Selfcallednowhere Shaneoffools Sleestakcanary Slightlyoffaxis Surveysez TDK Teddyleevin TinHershey Tproa Tsyndrome Tvman Twalsh06 Vvedge Wireless mike

2012-12-31 Music Hall of Williamsburg
(New Year's Eve 2013)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (34) 34 wikians attended: Benjamminash BlueCanary Bonkle88 Brianwlevine CapitalQ Chiweforkgun Craighecht DaringMudskipper Discardedfolderol Ferreteers Indie Cysion J2 JasonDeLima Jokah KathyK Kayakcup Kerimaus Labsicles Laughingacademy Martycordova23 Mister Charisma Mrludwigva Pith RLJohYouDid Rockmarooned Selfcallednowhere Sleestakcanary Slightlyoffaxis Surveysez TDK Tproa Tsyndrome Vvedge Wireless mike

Cancelled shows[edit]

  • 2012-10-30 - Beacon Theatre (Freedom To Love Now! A Concert For Marriage Equality) - New York, NY (Reason: Hurricane Sandy)
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